Question for seed makers - Harvest seed, curing and caring (and Storage) of fresh seeds questions

I am refering to own fresh seeds chucked for plant.
How do you care it?
I am referring to: Harvesting, any threatment for seeds to prevent fungus or pathogens to our collected seeds, etc.

I am almost ready to harvest seeds, but don’t want them fucked with fungus, molds, etc.
So my question is, do you do any treatment to your fresh seeds? And if yes, can you explain your process?

Note: This question is not for “long term seed storage”. There is a thread for that. This goes more in the direction of caring of fresh seeds harvested by yourselfs.


Hello, once the plant is dry you can shuck them all out but do not store them in zip locks right away. I put them in brown paper backs for a month to further cure them and to prevent mold. I have tried rice and desacants but best luck has been with the paper bags. hope this helps


After harvesting branches, I let them hang until they are bone dry, way more dry than what you would normally dry for consuming.

I use 5 gal paint strainer bags around the branches, so they catch any falling seeds. I get them in the hardware store in paint supply area.

After shucking the seeds, I wrap them loosely in a thin disposable paper napkin and let them sit in a cool dry place for another 2 to 3 weeks, turning them over each day.

After this, I move them to a small plastic bag with silica desiccant pouch inside, and I put that inside of an air tight storage case, also with silica pouches inside the case.

So the important thing is to dry the seeds out thoroughly and then store them in a way that keeps them very dry, cool, and dark.

Good luck!


Many thanks.

I was shucking some from the buds, and keep with silica to dehidrate a little.
But I was concerned about molds, fungus and alike, mostly to not send to thrash all the work.


Don’t forget your cold stratification afterwards as well


Best advice I’ve gotten was to keep them in an open ziplock in the refrigerator for a week to ten days. Cool, Dry and Dark is the key.

Into the deep freezer for long term. These folks know what works. Anyone know if they are accepting Cannabis seeds?


Hi Brothers.I am searching for a SAFE method to store seeds on my own.
This Is important since I m going to start Landraces seedrun and want to store seeds for years or a minimum 1,2 years
First off, how do you properly harvest and dry seeds?(I did once and got very bad germ rates)

I can’t use the fridge.
My House has very big and drastic swings during the seasons,Summer Is very hot and humid,and I found out many seeds I stored in a drawer(for a year) had bad germination rates.

Now,temps in my house are around 18 during Winter and higher than 23 during Summer with Rh around 60 to 70%

I thought of using vacuum and Vials with gasket.
I was thinking of getting a Little wine freezer to help cure buds and keep some Pollen there too.
Any help ?

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Dry until dry
Let seeds dry in a tray for a couple weeks.

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Even if my Rh in the room Is around 65%?

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For storage purposes, they make little vacuum cannisters that have served me well. Those desiccant packages in there help keep it dry :metal:t2: the brand I use is fellow. They make coffee equipment…

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Id think 65 would be fine. For drying and shucking but for long term storage you might need a better solution.


I m scared to over dry the seeds with that :scream:

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I don’t know that it would hurt much to have it in there with seeds in their own ziplocks or something like that. I don’t personally use one in my container and things have stayed viable so far, but I don’t make that many seeds very often. yet.

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