Does anyone use unfiltered tap water?

^^^this guy speaks truth

My tap water comes out ph 7 and i fill 2 20gal rubbermaid trashcans and let the chlorine evaporate in 24hrs.Even drinking it straight out the tap it has little to no taste or odour of chlorine ,just like to let it rest for my plants.When i empty one i fill it back up.Had no issues.

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I use city tap water straight from the faucet, but I fill up 5 gallon buckets and let them sit around for a couple of days first to let the chlorine evaporate


All of this info is on-line… & that’s kind of cool…

87c8-FINAL_DS20-0112-_DrinkingWaterAnalysis2019_AODA.pdf (49.4 KB)

Pg1, pH varied 7.2 to 7.9 and averaged 7.5
There’s other reports explaining financials, repairs etc. interesting geek shit :laughing:



I remember seeing that analysis when talking about TO water with torontoke. You guys have it so good with govt. services up there in Canuckistan.

Our municipal water analyses here are basically “It’s usually clear out of the tap. Safe to drink!” and that’s about it. Very little info is given about tds for anything other than the very basics of heavy metals, and it varies from municipality to municipality.

And that’s if you can even trust it. Everyone’s heard about the Flint, MI, debacle with lead pipes, poisoning hundreds of thousands of people over a year and denying it. Thankfully some of those public officials are going to jail. There are a lot of cases just like that all around the US, (Albuquerque is one) they’re just swept under the rug by corrupt local politicians. Even the biggest cities in the US don’t give anywhere nearly as robust an analysis as every Canadian city.


We (Ontario) had a E-coli outbreak at a small town (Walkerton) back about 2000. 2000+ people sick and 6 dead, some still sick to this day. That lead to a tightening up and enforcement of the regulations and some transparency.

That BS in Detroit is crimes against humanity class stuff. I shake my head and find it unbelievable that it is still going on.



Ironically, Detroit has pretty good water, and that’s where Flint was getting their water from before 2011 when the Governor decided to take over Flint’s finances and one of his first orders of business was to get Flint’s water from Lake Huron instead, but before the pipeline could be built he turned to the Flint River as a source of water, and that’s when the problems started


Flint… thanks for correcting me :+1:



Ok good to hear. I’m about to start using live soil. I’m going to do the while cover crop this time and worms

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Thanks to everyone who answered. I was worried that the chroramine would kill all beneficial bacteria and all that good stuff in the soil. I grow organic in Roots 707. I top dressed with vermicrop organics the last two grows. This time I’m using the same soil but contemplating whether to top dress with the Craft Blend by build-a-soil or mix it in super soil style.
Ingredients all Equal by Weight:

  1. Thorvin Premium Kelp Meal
  2. Karanja Cake - Terviva
  3. Alfalfa Meal
  4. CalPhos
  5. Camelina Meal
  6. Crustacean Meal
  7. Fish Meal
  8. 3x Fish Bone Meal
  9. Soybean Meal
  10. Sul-Po-Mag (Also Known as K-Mag or Langbeinite)
  11. Organic Malted Barley
  12. Premium Calcium Montmorillonite
  13. Micronized Basalt - Blue Ridge Meta
  14. Gypsum
  15. Oyster Flour

It’s either that or dragonfly earth medicine which is a little pricey.
I’m gong to either cover the soil with hay or do a cover crop but im leaning towards hay. Hoping to go full no till by the end of this grow


Build-a-soil craft blend is an excellent product. If you go the super soil/mix-it-yourself route, remember that you need to pre-mix it with soil and allow at least 30 days for it to break down before using it as a top dress.

I use both hay and clover as covers. The clover will grow right thru the hay unless it is really thick.

I used to let my water sit with a bubbler in it for a few days before using it. However, I’ve been using it directly from the tap for 5-6 years now and see no difference in my plant health. NYC water is pretty good though.


I don’t think you need to cook the BAS Craft Blend in your soil for 30 days before using it. There’s really nothing hot in it as far as I can see? Thousands of people report top dressing with it in veg all the time without issue.

I’d use it like this in a mix:

1 part peat
1 part compost
1 part aeration

and then BAS Craft Blend according to the instructions (4 cups per 7.5gal of soil) is going to rock it. The only thing I’d add to that is 2 cups oyster shell flour per 7.5gal of soil to keep pH in check and add slow release calcium as it breaks down.

Also, I priced it out at one time and if I were interested in switching up my water-only soil, using the Craft Blend would be cheaper than buying my own amendments from anywhere (not just BAS) and mixing it myself. Ain’t that crazy?


You use it straight from the bag. I was saying he needs to cook it if he mixes his own from raw ingredients.


Nice mix. I want to try one with bio live as the base nutes one of these days plus some rock dusts, barley, etc. It looks like a goof combo of stuff.

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Thanks for clarifying. I see it now. I thought you meant using the craft blend as part of a DIY soil mix, because that’s basically what it is in a bag. :slight_smile:

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Can you guys help me with this whole posting thing? I don’t get on here because i don’t know how to reply with peoples names in front. How do i do that? Lol. I feel like i knew how about 15 years ago and my forum skills are gone

After spending countless hours pricing stuff out i think the craft blend is the least expensive and most economical way to grow.

Has anyone used dragonfly earth medicine?

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@LOTF To reply to someone direct you use @ and right behind no space as you type the name it will highlite click and that is it

@SmknCanuck you are a badass :smile:

@SmknCanuck It’s been a long time. I was on the first overgrow. Grew my first plant in my chameleons cage when i was 17. Thanks much


For organics, my tap has too much calcium and sodium. Worked great with a sterile hydroponics resivoir though. :+1::seedling: