TAP Water specs of my city Help

Hi guys.I did a bit of effort and translated my water parameters because,I cannot flush my plant Always buying water,I am destroying my wallet and It s very frustrating.I have used distilled water and mineral water but want you to read my TAP water and tell me if I can grow in soil with It.Even Coco,I don’t mind switching of necessary.
Here Is the chart.I use biobizz nutes.Please help :frowning:


Hey @Andrexl, I’m no expert but my water is similar to yours, if not worst, if I look at PH and EC. Get some good soil, mycorrhizae, ph down and you should be good to go. Ph the water around 6.5-6.8. I’m even trying some dwc and it works just fine… for now.

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I’d recommend buying a water filter or building a RO system. Personally, I went with buying one, so I can’t tell you how to build one, but there should be walkthroughs on here. That being said, 2.5 EC is pretty damn high and I wouldn’t expect your soil to do great with it, especially since it looks like the vast majority of the EC comes from chlorine, sulfur and sodium. Chlorine and sulfur are both micronutrients, which are required in small amounts but can make your plant very unhappy in large amounts… sodium is just poison to them. They’ll still grow, they just won’t be as happy, and you’ll have more trouble re-using soil. My water comes out of the filter at 0.1 EC, though that did cost about $200 to buy a whole-house water filter… it’s lasted for 2 years already though, pretty good value imo. Much better than buying filtered water at a store, that’s for sure, though not as cheap as DIY RO.


Well,thank you,but as someone points out,I have lot of sodium and chlorine,I got the pH down and all BB nutes line,but not sure of our water Is the same on chlorine and those toxic elements…if so I could give It a try,if not,Maybe got to spend Money for a RO shit

I am looking online for a DIY as I don’t Need a lot of water,my pots are 12,5 liters,like 4 gallons.For a flush I Need max 20-24 liters,So a good DIY would be good,or a RO filter system for fishes,like cheap ones on Amazon…what do you think?

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Oops, we may have a language barrier. DIY is an acronym for do-it-yourself and RO is an acronym for reverse osmosis. Just saying you can either build a reverse osmosis system yourself, or buy one premade. I don’t know enough about reverse osmosis systems to tell you which I think is the better idea, since I bought a premade water filter for my whole house instead… that’s way more expensive than building a small reverse osmosis system for just your plants. As far as advice on doing that, just search the forum for “RO” or “reverse osmosis” and I’m sure you’ll come up with some info about them.


You can grow Cannabis plants fine in your tapwater. My tapwater is harder than yours.

No need for reverse osmosis water. It can be nice to have, but is not necessary.


Will It Be good if i let It sit 24 h and then add the nutes then?

Nono,I mean,I understood your message,I saw online people filtering water through activated chorcoal and Sand,Is this a possible option?


Absolutely. The water filter I use is mostly activated charcoal, just came in a handy format. I could’ve done it cheaper myself if I wanted to do the research and work, but with far more mess and less durable, that’s why I bought it… and I did buy it primarily for myself, not my plants. I haven’t had any experience with water like yours, that’s why I figured RO would be safest. If it’s unnecessary, that’s even better. :slight_smile: Worth giving it a shot, I guess - debates about the “best” style of growing aside, I have no doubt @vernal knows what he’s talking about as far as growing advice.

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Thank you so much friend.I cannot accordi a complete System,but i am into some Little DIY or into @vernal 's suggestion.Anyway a Little charcoal treatment homemade could be Always applied so my tap Is safer and lighter

Have you used your tap water in the past? If so, what happened? If not, you should try it. If your plants don’t thrive, you can always get an RO system (and yes, a simple one from Amazon should work).

The best plants I ever grew were grown with municipal tap water. I never knew the pH or EC, but my plants loved it. The only thing I ever did to “treat” it was to let it sit in 5 gallon buckets for a day or so to let chlorine evaporate.

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The trouble with just letting water sit for 24 hours is that if your water supply uses chloramine or chloride instead of chlorine the 24 hours won’t help. Most municipalities have switched from chlorine to chloramine because it disinfects water for a longer period of time. Chloride in the water will do the same thing.
I filter my tap water and then store it in a 30 gallon container with 2 large bubble stones in it before using on my plants.


I wonder if it would read as chloramine on the report.
I dont see it on mine but I do see chlorine

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Yes it should say on the report. Look at the one in the first post above and you will see chloride listed.


If yours just says chlorine then letting it sit for 24 hrs should help it. But I personally would still get a cheap aquarium air pump and a airstone to use while it is sitting. It will increase the effectiveness of the process considerably.


I think I’m getting one of those water hose filters @JohnnyPotseed uses. I was going weekly to get RO but I’m tired of it. Might get an ro system for the house one day.

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I now use that as one of my filters……


The only problem with those RO for the house is the waste factor. I can’t see paying for a filter system that has 3-4 gallons of water run into the drain for every gallon of water you get!

Most folks just use them for the water/ice machine on the fridge, but still… there’s that wasted water factor!


Considering I got chlorides that won’t go in 24h,should I buy instead a 20 buck Amazon charcoal filter for tap?