Does my contest idea suck? (POLL)

If you do go ahead with this idea I will donate a pack of Raspberry Cough as one of the prizes………

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I’m gonna disconnect @Slick1’s television as one of the prizes. :joy:

Any suggestions on the proposed rules?
(not that I’ll take them :rofl::rofl:)



What’s a television?

More rules! Slick1 has to take a picture of himself eating a banana while wearing a hat to qualify!

Or something like that.

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Since this is about what media or container to grow in I would think only rules dealing with that is needed.


You think these ideas are inspired by television? :laughing: If anything the tv keeps me docile and pacified from these thoughts!

Better than eating a hat while wearing a banana. Could we make it less phallic though? I don’t need @Nagel420 printing up posters…


i idnentiy as THREAT and my pronouns are TRY and ME :grinning: :grinning:

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From the darkness comes the light

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That spells tryme not sure what you meant

Drop the h, letters are insignificant.

Sounds good homie.

Turns out the answer is yes! Wait… I mean… Disregard :neutral_face:

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Contest-abis Suck-quoia

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Just rewatched that nice dreams scene :joy:

Am wondering if this is reverse psychology to induce the contest. 🫠

Lego’s man, LEGOS!
