You're not a grower until

Under a separate post yesterday I brought up the fact that I received a letter from customs. The cheap bastards replaced my seeds with their letter and forwarded it. Anyway it seemed to me it was one of those experiences that it seems sooner or later just about every grower goes through. Just wondering what more experienced growers feel us newbies can expect to go (grow) through in order to become fully initiated in this thing of ours.


Total crop failure? Arrest? Robbery? It’s a long road, and not very well maintained, lots of bumps and pot holes.


Until you battle pests. Which I haven’t as of yet (knock on wood)


If you always battle pests… you will never battle pests, if you don’t see them… that means they are there. An ounce of prevention.


all you gotta do is get in a fight on a forum about flushing. that seperates em fast


You need to sacrifice a lot for growing. Keeping plants watered so they don’t die. Tending to every plants nutritional needs. It’s sort of like having children now that I think about it lol. I don’t have any.
Only reason I sacrifice my time is for the medicine.
I’ve lost seeds and some get snatched up by customers but 99 get there. If they tell you you’re”package” is at the post waiting for you don’t go. I think it doesn’t matter if you’re in a legal state? Seeds have barely any thc etc. I also use a fake name and address.


Lost a couple orders to Chicago customs office from seed bank’s, fought the all mighty spider mite’s and the outdoor bugs slugs & snails, seems im well versed in this plant and im still learning.


When you find a qp of buds and trim but aren’t sure if you should use it for bubble because you have no idea how old it is or what it is.


You toss a plant because _____ and just shrug it off……


The laws regarding seeds coming in to the US from other countries is much more strict than the laws governing packages sent from within the US to within the US. Pretty much any seeds sent from abroad will be destroyed if they are found, the US government warned a couple years back to report and not open any seeds received from abroad-- especially China – out of fear of plagues, diseases, bugs, and invasive species :roll_eyes::raised_hands: I have had multiple packages destroyed and replaced with little agricultural confiscation records but never had any other fallout except that I was told by a friend who is a local mailman that my account is somehow flagged within their system and I have noticed that a lot of my packages have arrived opened for the past few years but, if it has any relevance at all, that is just part of the game. Living in California, similarly to Hawaii, my state has more stringent laws than the general laws of the country itself regarding not bringing in any plants, seeds nor spores from anywhere outside the state :raised_hands: So mail coming in to Cali has to go through the countries incoming filter as well as the states nosey inspectors. So be prepared for state as well as country-specific limitations on what can or cannot be sent to you via the mail.


You are not a grower until you grow something, plain and simple. The rest is just incidentals, some you will experience, some you won’t. Just plant them seeds :v:


I’m not a grower until it’s legal?


Yeah. I’m just practicing on tomato plants, until legalization day.
Grow Marijuana??? Hell No!!! Its Illegal.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:green_heart: :seedling:


Sooooo, am a shareholder in a company that irradiates incoming agricultural products to USA. Got into it in late 80’s. One of my better performing long term stocks!!! Luckily I source my seed from the Northern area of the Americas!

…Don’t hate me…seemed like a good play at the moment…


The day someone (you?) smokes something you’ve grown you’re a grower.


you’re not a grower until the day you can smoke the weed you grew and get high from it


I have to go with the sentiment of when you grow it your a grower.

Almost none of the new growers will have to experience the stress of old black market days. Thankfully they will only have experience bugs mold and successful harvest!

No ptsd from growing thankfully!


I, too, am growing entirely in my imagination and just keep posting pictures I’ve pulled off the internet to gain forum cred. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, and I’ve got one! You’re not a grower until you’ve had a fight with @WestCoastCroppers over the calcium conspiracy? :wink:


Then maybe if you haven’t grown and have no plans to until it’s legal you should rethink your name. There are very few things more irritating than pretended expertise.