Dried seaweed as a top dressing

A question does anyone use dried seaweed powder as an amendment and/or for top dressing? And what brand do you prefer

Any insight is appreciated
Thanks in advance


Kelp meal is an amazing amendment.


Dr. Earth. :wink:


Farmer for centuries used dry seaweed for top dressing

It’s great stuff


Nettles and dandelion are valid and free alternatives if it grows near you.


I was told recently that it helps with fungus gnats too…

check out Neptune’s Harvest Organic Fertilizers (sample pack of line is $15.00) they have a great Seaweed Fertilizer, you get 5 products (Crab Shells, Kelp Meal, hydrolyzed Fish fertilizer, Fish & Seaweed fert. FYI


Kelp is awesome, as a top dress, or mixed in your medium, or in a SS tea ball strainer, hanging in your watering can.
It’s a cheap source providing more microorganisms to your grows.

I recently started a worm bin, with the idea to turning kitchen scraps into food for them.
As I’m gathering info, I realize that kelp and alfalfa, with some beneficial organisms and some beneficial soil mycorrhizae, is a Compost Starter, or makes the breakdown of our outdoor compost bins, make compost faster.

I toss a scope in my worm bedding I blend up from paper/card board shredding’s, adding also some oyster meal/ rock dust/ coffee grounds/ coco husks/ coco coir/ some of my outdoor compost and some humus, and then wet it down with rice wash, LAB’s I make.
My end game is to have a build up of EWC’s, that will reduce my need for fertilizers, and medium needs also.
I use a rot box, a table spoon of Compost Starter, with kitchen scraps, on my heat pad, to speed things up, usually one or 2 nights, then feed that to the worms. They eat that WAY, WAY faster than tossing in say fresh banana peels, they run past them to get to the rotted stuff.
Fresh cannabis leaf, ignored. Dried crushed to powder, they are parting like 1984, so in LOVE!!!

Kelp is packed full of goodies, , but I do not think it kills fungus gnats, BTI, or even a mulch top cover, of sand, dryer sheets, but I use coco husks, as a medium building item, or as a mulch layer, no more gnats.


Just went to half moon bay harbor to get dungeness crab. Before leaving walked the beaches to get seaweed for the garden. Only was able to get one 5 gallon bucket (think the large storms took everything away), but got home and rinsed the seaweed in another bucket with water to get salt and sand off. Then spread it under all the leaves I harvested in the beds. I grab seaweed everytime I go to the beach.

Also - I dont have a worm box my entire garden is a worm box. I have a ceramic jar in the kitchen, veg scraps, egg shells etc (non meat) go in that. When full it goes to the garage and I have a blender that I fill halfway with water and add scraps and blend. Then pour in the garden (already broken down for worms) - easy peasy


Boy do I miss this.:drooling_face:

We’d slay the rock crabs out on the jetty too.
Those were the days. :call_me_hand:t4:

Guess I’m that guy…