Droopy plants 2/3 hours before lights off 18/6

I will also post a photo again later of when the light come back on


They look good there!

Weird. Are they all the same strain?

I grew several strains together a few months ago and one strain would droop pretty hard every day while the rest did not, or minimally. Could be strain related.

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One is very different to the other 3 it drinks a lot less and the leaves are slightly different I’m sorry
This is my first time so I’d be unsure if it’s a different strain

I just find it crazy how they look so lifeless feel like they are goin to die on me then bam when the light comes back on they shoot back up

they are also definitely overwatered at the minute due to me thinking they were under watered

I will post straight away once the light comes on tonight it’s the first flower cycle 12/12 today so hopefully they will react well to that


That’s definitely extreme. The only times my plants have drooped that much is when they are dry and neglected…but if they are bouncing back to that healthy state every day…I wouldn’t be concerned they are going to die.

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The one Jackylyn I have droops after I water her for a hour or so then it perks back up I had a dirt gnat problem and I’m trying to keep the top soil dry for a bit I almost have them gone.I wonder if it has something to do with gravity and how that plant sucks up the water and holds it while it’s being distributed.I water mine from the bottom and make them butt chug that shit.How are you watering them bottom or top?Just a dumb theory I could be way wrong.


Possibly they’re getting too much light - not in the sense that it can burn them from the heat intensity or anything, but just too much to usefully do anything with. Lights aren’t the only limiting factor for plant growth, and often they’re the first one growers turn to. What’s the temp/RH in there? Do you have CO2 augmentation? Both of those affect how much light a plant can make use of per day (DLI) - if yours are getting more than they need, they’ll droop like that but then perk up once they’ve had some time to rest, as I understand it. Sounds like that’s what’s happening here.


For your first time they look great when not drooping. I can’t really offer advice as I tried coco once many moons ago and gave up on it lol
Good luck :slight_smile:

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I was told these plants are in soil via PM . They didn’t mention what type of soil or anything else. Maybe they can post more info

I’m surprised his is doing that they look really beefy

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this looks like overwatering. not letting the rhizoshpere get enough air.

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My thoughts are that your lights are too close and basically your plants are reaching their daily light integral and shutting down after 14-16 hrs… Maybe raise it up a few inches so it’s not so intense. Also check airflow for sure. That would be my guesses…


the general bushiness and scattered tacos go along with this. light too close. and if it’s an HPS, temps could be high. coupled with those small pots, and the plants get zapped easy + early.

I had some plants look like this once when the nighttime temps got high. similar deal. bushes in small fabric pots. they were pissed

@Big_Ronnie hey Ron Ron, what kind of soil, what kind of feed, what size pot? are you really flipping in those little guys? so much floor space available…

Ya I would bet this is a VPD issue in your tent tbh. It’s probably a combination of things… too much light/too hot or humid/ etc

Plants in higher light conditions can only absorb so much light in a day. Toward the end of the cycle they’ll twist their leaves, droop a bit. Most people use lower light in veg or keep lights further away, but I like to give them as much as they can handle.

I’m on 16/8 and usually about 3 hours before the cycle ends mine start doing what yours do.

Lemme guess…they look great next morning?

You can probably dial it back to 16 hrs/day without them being triggered to flower. Save a buck or two on power.