Eclipse Festival

What’s up OGs are any you fine people going to be at the eclipse festival in April?


My wife and I have planned a Texas trip for the eclipse. Meeting up with friends who are in the path of totality.

Which festival are you referring?

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where in Texas you thinking about ???


The big one outside of Burnet. I’m going to be Austin for a day then heading out the festival.


We’re taking the camper up to the Franconia Notch in New Hampshire and praying for clear skies!
The sudden chill and darkness of a total eclipse is really something to experience!


The what? image

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Texas looks like it will be a cloudy eclipse festival.

It’s starting to look like a clear sky in New Hampshire for Monday’s eclipse in the Totality Zone.

Hoping to get a few good pics of the event. I’ll post it here if I’m successful.



Yep, should be great viewing!


Hey Gang!

Saintly Spouse and I are camped at Cannon Mountain in the valley of the Franconia Notch, New Hampshire.

The clouds have cleared, the snow is melting and we have a near perfect view for the eclipse tomorrow afternoon.

I just did a test “Time-Lapse” photo session pointing at just where the sun will be at tomorrow’s event and it was exciting to see the wispy clouds racing by our monstrous fireball in the sky.

A few blocks above us is a ski resort jammed to massive overflow today in anticipation. If the clouds cooperate we are likely to be on site for a classic Solar Eclipse Tailgate party!

Excitement is in the air here, and we’re stoked to be a part of it!
-Grouchy :popcorn: :boom: :100:

If I get some good video, how/where can I post it, then link to OG?

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Nice! I hope the weather stays clear for you!


Me and a friend had planned on going to another friends in FAR norther VT. But it’s almost 7 hour drive, and the weather looked sketchy. So last night we decided to cancel it…

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@Firehead, wish you were here with us! This site is magnifico.

Tomorrow morning we’re hiking up to Artist’s Bluff, a massive outcropping a couple hundred feet above the valley. I expect to find a crowd up there and I’m bring a fat doobie of Frankie’s Daughters to share around with the Kozmic Kiddies.


Spectacular show in Texas. The day started overcast and foggy. Skies started to clear before noon and it was clear by totality. Amazing sight to see Jupiter and Venus and the Corona. There was a solar flare visible as well.

Check one off the Bucket List.