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Can anyone recommend some books on growing; specifically organic cannabis, but non-organics or non-cannabis have a fair amount to offer. I’ve read over samples from the top sellers on Amazon but wasn’t really sold on any of them.


organics like a primer kinda advanced i liked teaming with microbes, the growing books i have liked, mel franks, greg greens bible, Jorge Cervantes , I also only have one of Ed Rosenthals the one about problems but i like that as well. Robert Clarkes marijuana botany is a good read imo as well

Btw you can find some of these for free on the internet as downloads


I was considering Teaming With Microbes, looked on par with the samples I read last night, which were actually all the ones you mentioned! We must be shopping at the same store, huh? I’ll probably buy them all eventually, just bought Teaming With Microbes for now.


Good choice!

1 Like

there redundant somewhat, good choice to start out, kinda hoping some one else chimes in about organics.

out of likes again


A while back, I bought and read The Rev’s book on living soil. It’s got a lot of good info.

I took pictures of the most important things and combined them into a pdf. Here’s the thread: The Rev's TLO Living Soil Book

Hope it helps.

Kev :+1:t5:


Check this thread:

Lots of books already available in there.