Employment Drug Test with SVT and Quick Fix

I have a drug test for a job in less than 24 hours. Normally I would say no problem, go grab a quick fix, and take the test. The problem is this test has SVT (Specimin Validity Testing). Its been years since I’ve taken a UA, didn’t even know it was a thing. I guess they test the pH and creatine right off the bat and if it doesn’t match up to normal levels they do a specific gravity test. Anyone had any experience with this and know if I’m going to botch it with a quick fix “cleanser”?

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Those quick fix drinks are hit or miss in my experience. I work with guys that swear by them but I also worked with guys that failed using them. I have to piss once a month at work. Imo you need to sub. I’m guessing by your name you smoke a lot? If not you can dilute a little if u are close. Search “n2 dilution” but that only works if you are close to passing.

My immunoassy tests (piss test) all go the same way. First they observe the color and temp strip on cup. Then it’s a ph test. If those are good they don’t use specific gravity. If they dont like what they see i get the spec gravity.

Taking the drinks may work with you. Substituting your urine with clean urine is what i would do in your case if you’re a heavy smoker. Buy the fake piss kit. Throw out the fake piss. Before you head to test get someone to fill it up for you with clean urine. Attach heating pads and store next to your balls. (In the military they watch u piss so this wont work there). My tester stands behind closed door.

The fake piss test will have a temp gauge on it. Make sure when you are filling sample cup, you verify that the temp on your cup is in the green zone. If too hot you can blow on it like soup. The heat packs only heat to body temp so that shouldnt be an issue. Also sometimes i am asked to empty pockets and lift up shirt and pants and spin around. I have literally duct taped the cup to my inner thigh before haha. I would also practice today if you go this route. I have passed 22 straight tests and I smoke. But I usually use slight dilution.

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I’ve used the synthetic urine and passed a 7 panel DOT random. I got mine from wizzenator.com


I’ve known guys fail with the drinks and pass with the fake stuff. We always got our derrickhand to puss in a bottle. Strap it to your leg and you’re good to go lol

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Fake piss works great unless they split sample it and send it to lab. Most places dont send to lab unless it’s a non negative. But the ms/gc at lab has pinched people up in the oilsands that passed piss test with fake piss.

Guy I work with was once told to go to a doctor because he may have an sti lol… but it was a pass


@PoppaPuff, I’m not too heavy of a smoker anymore. Typically 2-3g’s a week now. Reused my name from OG1. At that time you couldn’t get me out of bed in the morning without the gravity bong ready to go lol.

The test I’m taking is at Lab Corp. 10 Panel plus SVT. From what I gather they test the pH first (not sure their ok levels but Quest sets them at 4.5 to 9 being accepted with 7 being normal) then the creatine to make sure its 20mg or higher.

I have experience with a cleanser that contains B12 (for color) and creatine (assuming to try and combat this test) that’s basically just a dilutant. I’m pretty much at a point that I have to try it, just hoping I’m not throwing money away.

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I wish you the best! Under 24 hours really cuts your options down. Let us know how you do.

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Yea, I was expecting Monday but the background must have come back quick. I’ll put up a review after lol

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The only 2 people I have ever known that had to use it, passed. Good luck Bro!

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So, I have a little more time now. Wife got sick, had to run all the errands. Gonna be taking it Monday now. Gives me a little longer abstaining but I’ll still have to do one of the dilutant drinks. I’ll let yall know how it works

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When was the last time you smoked? You can buy a multi level drug test that has like 200 ng 100 ng 50ng 15ng and it will essentially give you your current metabolite level.


Gives you a good baseline to know where you are at. Most head shops have these. Beating it the legit way is always the best option

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2 hits off of a glass bat about 2pm today. Took 3 off of it yesterday. 1-2 bowls a day before that. Typically takes me 2-3 weeks to clean out naturally. I’m a fatty… I’m a lot lighter of a smoker than I used to be so might be able to get it down to a week eating healthy and exercising.

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Small update, ended up going with Quick Fix Plus synthetic urine (the plus is just a larger size, 3 oz. vs 2 oz., I suggest it if you go this route. I only had about a 1/2 oz left after the line) Supposedly it is formulated to pass pH, creatine and specific gravity. In addition it contains androgynous hormones and urea.

Pretty simple to use. Crack open the hand warmer 30-45 minutes before you need it. Open the bottle, shake, pop in the microwave for 10 secs, tighten lid and shake again. Little strip on the side of the bottle reads the temps between 90 and 100 (the acceptable range). Rubber band the hand warmer to the side opposite the temp strip and stash away.

Was pretty easy to conceal other than it was a pretty big bottle. I wear hanes boxer briefs and the flap extends down into the crotch to create a pouch. Slipped it in there and wore a 2nd pair to keep my drawers from falling. It’s kind of a flask shape so it just turned sideways and slipped between my legs. Pulled it out, shook it, squeezed what they needed and shot the rest in the toilet. I got scared for a moment cause after I shot the rest in the toilet the bottle made a fairly loud sucking noise when I went to close the cap, but they cleared it through the first stage.

I should have the results in a couple days. I’ll update when I hear back, but I expect it to pass based on other’s testimonials.


If you pass I will be buying this stuff for my upcoming job hunt. Thanks for keeping us updated, and good luck!

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Was supremely pissed so I forgot to update this last week… I passed the test, so it definitely works. Didn’t get the job though… never seen, nor heard of it happening before. They spent all the money on testing and a background check but didn’t have a position for me… so I’m in a candidate pool for future openings.


I’ve used this and got away with it

No one was in the room when I went also

Quick Fix ftw. I once tested 3 times for a job. When they requested a 4th I figured out they must be profiting from my tests, somehow. Anyways QF is the real deal

What about swab test? I’ve failed on the Listerine recommendation.

Swabs are weird. I smoked a couple days before a swab. Gargled some h202 and I was good to go. I had been totally clean for a few weeks up to that point, so maybe my metabolism saved me, idk.

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