(complete) F.B.S.C. 1960 Lambsbread Preservation

Takes planning for sure. If I were limited on space I’d grow them on the edges of my space while flowering something else. Up to 2 months old( a hybrid flower cycle) they can be kept happy in 1 gallon pots maximum. Probably half gallon. Really easy to fit some in. I’m doing it now. I’ll keep them in small containers til I have room ( when the others ripen) and when I up pot I’ll figure how much time they have left to grow and i will size the containers accordingly. Big to get some size to them, smaller if I have lots of stretching time left.


I’m wondering too. There are Red( stem)and Green phenos. That’s likely it. @Roms are those Swazi beans fresh? I don’t want to snooze on them if they are. I have a pack of unknown age. How long have you had this one going? I was checking out the pictures. Looks awesome. Only Swazi Red out there.
I remember reading “buds as long as a man’s arm” when reading about Swazi Red in the past. Maybe on Vice show?Any phenos match that description? Obviously outdoors in the ground would be needed, but wondering if you’ve seen that potential.


I just grow 4 times as many😁


Curses! Let’s see, that would be 32 plants… yeah, I think I could fit that in the 12 square feet I have!


Ya green spicy moms separated to the majority of my purple and fruity IBL :wink:

All is explained in this thread :

and here :


Yes JLB red stem turn usually to purple plant in the end and usually fruity, green ones are classic spicy and are majority in principle. That’s why my IBL is special, like always ^^

Yes 2022 and F5, since 2011, soon available with HempDepot!

All is explained here :

and here :

It seems that i’m the only one online who had saved this old original line from Jim’s Afropips, RIP bro!

Here’s my fresh description wrote for Brad and his HD :

A rooibaard preservation F5 of Afropip’s Swazi Red since 2011 from multiple parents include special mom with cocacola aroma. This old South African blue green line decline two ranges of structure with lance or branching with classic spicy metallic dark Afro harsh smoke in energetic and trippy effects which increase by being active. Speed drug comparative properties which can cause heart or mind trouble by remaining inactive so take care of your poison dose. That’s for Black/Red most potent and resinous specimens because you can also find some smooth others Gold type with better floral taste and cleaner effects with less understone. Flowering times window is 12/16 weeks according precocious ones as more disturbing and resinous which are botrytis magnet In outdoor wet condition, Gold longer geno/phenotypes are differently more manageable. The line also offer around 10% of polyploidy so you can find tri or rare quadrifoliate from the cotyledons start. Prehistoric cannabis 100% sativa.

Will be probably little corrected from my french cow language lol


x JLB :wink:

6 moms St Vincent for this cross with 1 separated because same fruity banana profil than my IBL of our Lambsbread, very nice synchronicity, Jah live!


Yeah, must be reds and greens. There are two vials in the pack. More freebies?

ooops, I was writing while you were posting, heh. tthx


red stem but not Red kind of pure sat bro, JLB Is Gold/Green and not Black/Red lol Jamaica just have little mountains not enough high to reduce flowering time but enough to make the purple trait i think.

Of course yes, more of a thousand harvested! Soon nice batch will fly to St Vincent with @Goodherb and in Jamaica to Dr Machel.

A good hundred is reserved for OG Seed Run Co-op :wink:

And i offer them as Atao freebies with any private order of my strains at ataoseeds@tutanota.com


Many bro many endless Green kind of pure sat!

All of Equatorial/Tropical areas except from high elevation spots which make them earlier like for Colombian Black or Red like Lesotho, Mulanje, Angola, Zambian, Swazi…

+20 weekers are from sea or low hill level, Gold/Green kind of pure sat like majority of Lambsbread, Kerala, Papua, Mexico, Ethiopian, Colombian, Laos, Thai, Caledonian, Indonesian et cetera et cetera ^^


never grew landraces id love to try lambsbread domeday i smoked some from online dispensary i liked it
they ran out quick


Vibes brothaz

In my opinion pure NLDs have simply two in two main variations, like Black/Red and Gold/Green. All relative to altitude of grow and latitude, ultra violet, atmospheric pressure and temperature as potentiometer and soil and rainfall as volume. The Black and Red are from highest elevation, the Gold and Green are from valleys but with each variations you have its others and its recessivity combo possibility, that’s why i think we need to simplify to better understand.

Black is the most potent then the Red, poison hard to smoke with heavier understone and dark spicy metallic gunpowder terpenes. Gold has the most clean high with softer tasty taste, fruity spicy kind then Green ones are softer with low % of terpenes.

Black - Black/Red - Red - Red/Gold - Gold - Gold/Green - Green

Knowing that Black ones like more precocious and Green ones like endless ^^

I just don’t understand why anybody in the past had understood those simple and logical notion for cannabis evolution! Like for BLD transformation btw! I’m really the King lol amen.

That’s why Lambsbread is free and will free the world, peace!



What does F.B.S.C. mean ?


Freakers Ball Seed Collective!!!


[quote=“Roms, post:573, topic:76013”]
Many bro many!

Longer than 25 weeks??? There are very few that go even that long. Today only PNG and SOME, but nowhere near close to many Thai/ Laotian still go 20+. Chellakutti Kerala will go 18-26 but is nearly extinct.
They used to, but not anymore. At least not that I’ve found in 5 years hard looking.

Typically breeders today have hacked away at flowering time since the 70’s. Sometimes hybridizing., but when they didnt, selecting faster plants. This is common everywhere in equatorial regions. For instance the original Kerala landrace strain Idukki Gold flowered 18-26 weeks. Flowering time was cut by farmers due to police pressure and they began selecting faster plants in the 80’s. The old Idukki is gone, save one reported collection from the 40’s. Flowering time has dropped to todays 16-20 weeks for the longer flowering kerala versions( rsc). This changed the terpenes too. Today there are even faster versions…
12-16 weeks with Sheelawathi, the modern granddaughter of Idukki Gold. It now has a full body mind high and has lost that pure clear high of the long flowering Sativa… Seems to go with the territory when flower time is cut. Today, it’s Indias most popular strain.
There is 1 png available today
1 20 + week kerala
None from Mexico going over 18 weeks today that I have found.
No long flowering Ethiopian around today.
No modern long flowering Colombian around for sale but Elchiscas may have met a guy.
I found 1 Indonesian but it’s not available anywhere and I don’t know flowering time. Hopefully long.
1 Caledonia for sale but not long flowering is it?
I love the long flowers and always look for the longest flowering times to ensure purity. If you know of any source that has these extra long flowering strains you mentioned today, there is a thread where you should post a link. It would be a great help for seekers of these very rare longflowers. I can’t find them. Most people agree they are gone or nearly so in most countries.
It’s estimated 80% of Mexican landraces are extinct. There are less than 10 available today. None very long flowering. I read of old ones going over 28 weeks but the Cartels and paraquat changed that.
I’m not one that will typically say with certainty something is gone. People find species thought extinct all the time. But I am one of those that needs to see it to believe it, and I haven’t seen it. To the contrary everyone I talk to from these countries says the situation is dire and most is gone. I’d love to be proven wrong. Believe me.


Great magazine.

These are really worth hunting down… The guy that printed it was known for his connections to the west indies and Jamaica… White dude from London that he was!


Okay but all those notions are from online and westerners breeders and not from real life of farmers who grow them since centuries and centuries. None of them are extinct in situ in my opinion and i also think that cannabis can be perennial at equator areas.

Btw those genotypes which can reveg easy at the end of flowering are very low psychotropic and very low terpeny. Over 24 weeks are not as good as 18/20 ahaha

Here’s specimen of Green endless kind with top reveg, low terpenes very herbal without really interestings effects :



That’s why “openpoll” reproduction from westerners without good selection can ruin NLD genepool, dynamics of ethics and knowledges or not! :face_with_monocle:


Hey @Upstate on Swami Seeds Spring 2023 list they’re offering 1960’s Lambsbread Heirloom…do you know anything about those?


My favorites so far are around 16-18 weeks too but I haven’t found many that go longer.
Info is from the seedcollectors/ strain hunters in country in many cases. They deal directly with the farmers that give them the information and are searching far and wide. They tell me the same story. The younger generation is not interested in growing the longflowers. They want skunk and kush.
Genepools are so rapidly destroyed you wouldn’t even believe it. Now that legalization is happening in poor countries, the changeover from landrace to hybrid happens very quick( 4 years) and can occur from just one group passing out autos or kush in a small area. This is happening now in East Africa by the Canna Insitute Africa ( IG) in Tanzania, Kenya, Malawi, Uganda. All farmers want kush or autos. It yields more, is more powerful on average, and in the tropics up to 3 crops a year can be secured compared to only one crop of lower valued landrace. Farmers of landrace simply cannot compete with hybrid farmers. Just the old and stubborn continue with landraces and when they go, so do the landraces. That’s where we are today.
The even bigger enemy imo is corporate weed/ hemp and that is just now happening. Governments around the world are encouraging Hemp cultivation in traditional drug farming country. Here’s a few that are very concerning.
Zamal, Reunion Islands
India ( they never grew Hemp In Inda historically)
Thailand( in particular ko Chang Island, tiny home of Thailands most potent landrace)
South Africa.
I find it extremely interesting that the areas these and other governments are encouraging hemp cultivation in are also the same area’s famous for drug cultivation. They haven’t been able to wipe out cannabis with cops or poison so now they will try to contaminate it with Industrial Hemp pollen. Likely genetically modified. When this happened in Morocco( it was a different scenario but the results are the same. It was European hemp pollen) the THC percentage of their ganja went from 6 to 11% down to about 2%.
The worst problem is that the industrial hemp will contain a genetic marker that will enter the landrace genepool. Imo Their game is to say that you are growing their property and you are not allowed to grow their property. It will be a way for them to keep farming landraces illegal, even with legalization
I do feel that there are potentially old folks everywhere that still grow the old landraces. We need to find them before they Die or in many cases they will take the landrace with them.
I’ve had plants similar to the one you photo’d. Yeah, not that strong.