Fairly cool collection if anyone interested (for sale only as im trying to downsize)

Dammit, was eying that dud @misterbee . Beat me to it

I’m gonna DM to get in the list for the C99. :fire:

And the Chocolate Thai!!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


thank you all for the support and interest so far! very happy to get these back out into good peoples hands. everyone that ordered yesterday had there package sent out today.


FELIZ NAVIDAD!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


el jefe - headband x (chem91 x male10) (4 seeds) 25$
Is this one available?

yes the el jefe are still available

I’d be interested in Bodhi’s hashplant and maybe Riot’s trademark chad

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those are both still available , just lemme know and there yours.

For sure Sorry for the delayed response. I don’t get on here frequently.

The Colombian Blacks arrived today… Thanks @northernblue


Are you located in Canada?

Is the circle of blessings pick still a available?

Either of the Dominion packs still available?

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Do you have a Link for payment? Looking to pay for those TOP DAWG/DUD 91 and NFOS/3 KINGS OG X ROCKET SCIENTIST OG!! Thanks, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


I would love to move on a couple of packs:

-AKBB: treadkill
-Coastal: tkM10
-Dominion: Sensi x Afghan & Dominion Skunk

Let me know how to send funds.


hey sorry guys ! I’ve been really sick and dealing with a lot of issues and this seed sale took a back seat. im pretty sure everyone that ordered seeds and sent money got there seeds. if not please let me know. I know right as things were getting bad for me two people had asked about some packs and never got back to them. im going to figure all this out and I have some new stuff to put up possibly. thanks for your patience!


so, if you are new to this thread , please if you have questions or want a pack just dm me.

no I am not

please dm, most of those are still available