FBSC Colombian Gold

This was my FBSC Columbian Gold grow. Started with 10 seeds, from Snow High that have lineage back to the 70’s. 8 of the 10 popped. This was the end of May. Of those 8, 6 died off within a week. I tended to the 2 remaining seedlings. By mid-July we had one female and hoping for the other to be male. We got lucky and it was. To play it safe I cut 4 clones from the male and 6 from the female. They rooted within 10 days and were planted shortly after.

After I knew the clones were growing well, on September 3rd I flipped the original 2 plants to a 11:45 / 12:15 light schedule. This is close to the winter daytime schedule for Columbia. Being a 20 to 24 week strain, I knew it was going to be a while.

Original 2 plants on September 11th.

3 weeks later, September 24th I flipped 4 the males and 4 of the females. I pulled the other 2 females for back up.

The clones right before they were flipped.

At week 18 for the original female, I pulled 3 seeds from random branches. Within 5 days all 3 germinated. I now knew at 18 weeks I would have viable seeds. I let the mom go 3 more weeks, taking her to 21 weeks, so the clones could go 18 weeks. At 18 weeks and 4 days for the clones, February 1st , I cut down all the seeded Columbian Gold females.

2 weeks later I cleaned the mom. She produced almost 2100 seeds, out of which only 5 were bad. She alone handled the Freakers commitment.

I cleaned up one clone so far. She didn’t match mom, she did not veg as long either, but did give over 800 seeds with only 2 bad ones. I still have 3 more clones to go.

If someone TeamOG will please open a wiki and make 60 spots each for trust level 2 and 3, for now, I would appreciate it. I will open more as I clean more clones. They are hanging in a 63 degrees / 59% humidity drying space. These will go out in the spring box

I will add some pictures to the thread that I have stored as time permits, just a very busy time of the year for me.

Sign-Up List (Double check you didn’t get overwritten…)

Regular Member (Trust Level 3 & Emeritus ) Sign Ups

  1. @HeadyBearAdventures :us:
  2. @CADMAN :canada: :maple_leaf:
  3. @nagel420 :us:
  4. @chronix :canada:
  5. @allotment :eu:
  6. @District_Flora
  7. @7anja7od :us:
  8. @Mithridate :canada:
  9. @sprinklememaynee :canada:
  10. @4ftfarmer :us:
  11. @ramblinrose :us:
  12. @Herbie :us:
  13. @DougDawson :canada:
  14. @Moka :us:
  15. @Pawsfodocaws :us:
  16. @api312 :us:
  17. @DefNSmokn :us:
  18. @BasementBeans :us:
  19. @Hydro921 :us:
  20. @MantisTobogganMD :us:
  21. @BeagleZ :us:
  22. @ELG :canada:
  23. @Oldtimerunderground :canada:
  24. @GreenBhoy :uk:
  25. @Northern_Loki :us:
  26. @Garden-Buddy :us:
  27. @astrodude :us:
  28. @Foreigner :canada:
  29. @AceHigh :us:
  30. @khaoohs :us:
  31. @SkunkHunt101 :us:
  32. @FattyRoots :australia:
  33. @CapnCannabis :us:
  34. @Pigeonman :canada:
  35. @MBVapester :canada:
  36. @ShiskaberrySavior :canada:
  37. @CrunchBerries :us:
  38. @Cbizzle :us:
  39. @DesertHeartGardens :us:
  40. @Emeraldgreen :us:
  41. @jessethestoner :canada:
  42. @Cormoran :us:
  43. @TopShelfTrees1 :canada:
  44. @parttime :us:
  45. @WVMountainGhost :us:
  46. @deeez99 :us:
  47. @MrWizard :us:
  48. @Granola :canada:
  49. @BigMike55 :us:
  50. @George :es:
  51. @PetalPowerseed :us:
  52. @highminwin :us:
  53. @Dirtron
  54. @Northern_Loki :us:
  55. @darkillusion :us:
    :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down:

:arrow_right: Do not change anything above this line Please:These are already are in envelopes. :arrow_left:
56. @misterbee :us:
57. @GMan :us: (misterbee to pay)
58. @invisible :australia:
59. @Tejas :us:
60. @Zolorp :us:
61. @Kasper0909 :us:
62. @keene :us:
63. @Kabuddha :us:
64. @DJSF :us:
65. @VAhomegrown :us:
67. @mainerJ :us:
68. @CanuckistanPete :canada:
69. @buckaroobonsai :us:
70. @Greenfingers :us:
71. @bunny :canada:
72.@Gaz29 :uk:
73. @Abbbian :brazil:

Member (Trust Level 2) Sign ups

  1. @other_barry :us:
  2. @Bobgrows :us:
  3. @Fat_Man :us:
  4. @Vertebrata :brazil:
  5. @SEMOActivist :us:
  6. @hawkman :us:
  7. @Green_Light :us:
  8. @donuchee :us:
  9. @ervasagrada :brazil:
  10. @gratefulned :us:
  11. @PineTarBastard :us:
  12. @Judsbuds :us:
  13. @humblepie420 :us:
  14. @Tao :us:
  15. @royal :canada:
  16. @SF0 :us:
  17. @Motaco :us:
  18. @gratefulned :us:
  19. @Panamajock :us:
  20. @503BudMan :us:
  21. @NIGHTMARE :uk:
  22. @thecrazster :us:
  23. @boatbum325
  24. @Jumper420 :us:
  25. @liebigbarrel_US :us:
  26. @wny61 :us:
  27. Do not sign up here
  28. @US3RNAM3 :us:
  29. @Kyumonryu :canada:
  30. @Tracker :us:
  31. @faithisyours :eu:
  32. @Dr.VitaminGreen

:arrow_right: Do not change anything above this line Please
These are already are in envelopes. :arrow_left:
33. @chiefer88 :us:
34. @Sdd420 :us:
35. @Slammedsonoma420 :us:
36.@urbs :us:
37. @OGTreeSlayer :us:
38. @Elpolloloco :us:
39. @MoBilly :us:
40. @gratefulned :us:
41. @leetdood :canada:
42. @LonelyOC :sweden:
43. @wachuma :us:
44.@beelady :us:
45. @patsnumone :us:
46. @Ironfreak :us:
47. @BCC :us:
48. @joheimgrohen :us:
49. @chongobongo :us:
50. @Rhinobucket1 :us_outlying_islands:
51.@Cannaology :us:
52. @MrMayhem1134 :us:
53. @laquiqa :us:


Waiting for the rest of the story @Old-Ron !!! Definitely interested as a non FBSC member :slightly_frowning_face:!


Sounds awesome @Old-Ron I’ll be here checking in. It’s definitely an interesting story so far.


Sounds like a crazy long strain, must’ve taken patience! I can’t wait to see pics…!


Whew, they did some stretching in those 2 gals. They look hearty too, great job!


Interesting! :face_with_monocle::thinking:
Anxious to see more!


Very nice, looking forward to more pictures. :seedling:


If this is the real deal Colombian Gold, or the closest you can get, I would love to try it.
I have never flowered anything that long, 20-24 weeks, but I would like to give it a try.
:slightly_smiling_face: :v:


Awesome job @Old-Ron
Not all heroes wear capes😉


First post turned into a wiki…


Peace All. Is this only a Freaker’s thing? If not I would like to get in. If it’s only Freaker’s then, I will just be in the cut watching…and wishing…lol. Be safe.

EDIT: I added my name to list but if a Freaker’s thing only I will take off. Still will be watching.


Not a mod but I added 2x 60 signup slots. Thanks a lot for doing this @Old-Ron


I like the photos so far, them Males got real tall eh. Thanks for Preserveing this strain, it’s never an easy job…

I signed up under slot #2)

photo just incase someone tried accidentally to overnight me.


Awww yeah!!! I hope this isn’t a freakers only thing, if it is remove me from the list. Otherwise in at #2!!! This is a little throwback to my heritage, pops was born and raised in Bogota, Colombia. Anything old-school from Colombia I would love to get in on! Would love to find some Punto Rojo / Colombian Red next!!

And I generally don’t want something that long, but Colombian XXXX will make me change my tune. I WILL make exceptions for them :smiley:


Thanks for doing this @Old-Ron, it is appreciated!


this is the first strain I smoked. Got to at least try to grow some. Thank you for all your time and effort.



I have always heard about Colombian Gold, not sure if this is only a freakers thing, and if it is please remove me. I would love to show this to my father, who talks about the old pot and has mentioned columbian gold many times.


ColOmbian… Colombian Gold… The U is for “District of Columbia”…
(lol, little pet peeve cause, well, I’m half Colombian)…


Haha Thank you! Noted :slight_smile:


All good, its a very common mistake, but like nails on a chalkboard to me. :rofl:

Ya really wanna laugh? Take a look at me in person, and you’d have no clue. Mom’s northern european genes definitely were dominant, blonde haired blue eyed as a kid. But I get a great tan, dont burn LOL… Dad was darker skinned, black hair, hazel eyes…

Always educatin’ here… LOL.