Federal legalization in the USA, what does the future hold for cannabis?

May I suggest you are not properly informed.
From 2019
samples were duplicated into tissue cultures and genetic mapping

From their website:

We believe data sharing advances industry innovation and ensures heritage varieties remain protected.

Unrivaled Plant Genetics
Conception has assembled the finest collection of germplasm (existing plant varieties) in the world. We also have access to the largest database of cannabis genomics in the world.

Yea, they now own everything in the phylos galaxy.

Phylos would like to offer a special thanks to all those here that submitted samples.

This below was not said by me, but it is a good quote…LOL

I think anyone sending them seeds or cuts or any live potential material is an idiot. The fact they even ask for seeds is disgusting and then you have various industry names like Sam asking people to send phylos seeds. Strong sense of fuck that.