Finally, someone did it! The answer to Growings biggest question. Or no?

I cant seem to find a straight answer to this seemingly easy question…
When is a cannabis plant done with Seedling stage and entered Vegetative stage?

This is taken from Royal Queen seeds… Pay particular attention to the bold highlight…

Breaking through the germination stage, plants enter the seedling stage next. At this point, they’ll need about 18 or more hours of daily light. After two or so weeks of proper care, though, they’ll be well on their way to robust growth.
This is the point where it starts to look more like a cannabis plant. There will be one ridged blade per leaf at first, but the blades will get closer to their typical 5–7-finger stage by the end of this period. Until they get the full 5–7 blades, though, the plants are considered seedlings.

Would everyone agree with this statement? Or No? Just curious. Ive asked (not just here) and cant seem to find a definitive answer. The above quoted passage makes it pretty clear with minimal confusion.


What’s the difference between seedling and vegetative really? If I had to tell I’d say the 1st true leaves is a step, then the sex declaration.


Arbitrary distinctions


But if you think about its ruffly 6 weeks before the plant is sexed and considered mature


Once it’s past single blade and showing first set of fans it’s out of seedling and on to veg stage
Up to and including single blade is seedling , first set of 3 fingers open is start of veg
Then when apposing nodes start to stagger sexually mature


Only been growing for a year so my opinion is worth nothing to anyone but me, I see it as when the cotyledons have done their work and are dying off as the distinction.

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for plant/botany questions, botany sources - in general - and not cannabis, seem to be the best lol.

you can go well into flowering and the cotyledons can still be full and green by the way. i do it with peat and feeding them lightly right from the start.

but yeah, from what i understand the seedling “stage” is done once the plant is not dependent on the cotyledons.


That’s where the confusion sets in…

Is there no “standard” for cannabis?

That’s kind of the way I thought it as well, but just coming into this I wasn’t too sure. Many months worth of casual internet searching has only served to confuse the issue

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To me seedling stage is the thin flimsy stem that bends or curves needing correction, when that stops. You’re vegging. By week 5 or 6 at sexual maturity they are ready to flower

why should there be? Cannabis is a vascular plant, specifically a flowering herb. As all angiosperms (flowering plants), they contain cotyledons. So for all angiosperms, when the plant is no longer dependent on cotyledons for nutrient you can consider it on “veg” - and there is your standard for cannabis - i guess.

fyi my understanding of botany is not professional… I like these two books for thee types of questions:


For me, once they show sings of needing food. Usually after 4 - 6 points, I feed them.
So they went from germination to early veg.

:exploding_head: :bomb: :exclamation:

This is a wealth of knowledge you shared with us here. I’ve been meaning to check out Marijuana Botany and now I can have it in my pocket everywhere I go. Thank you!