Find an easy Meme Generator?

I’m old and don’t have the time or drive to figure out how to get into the fabulous wordl of Memes. I have difficulty finding a public pic and saving to or click and dropping to an OG post. A pics worth a thousand words and I like lots of meaningless words. Can anyone post an easy meme site or would OG ever consider having one on the site? I find arguements much more fun, (and easy to stop and laugh) with stupid pics that clarify my stupid thoughts. Gotta admit, some of the shit storms start with a simple misinterpretation and then 2 pages of explaining why they didn’t really want to mess up someones mom… Hey if you were born before 1980, then Don Rickles and Buddy Hackett were funny AND politically correct. What are you laughing at ya putz. Please help us express our disdain for pansies (and guys who wear boxers) in a wholesome ridicule laden visual comedy fest???/ Pretty please…I gotta vintage seed pack for a bribe (mostly old watermelon seeds from the composter, but theirs some FIRE in there) !


Just had to


I am on a computer Myself, I do image searches and word them as
Thong funny meme, funny thog , etc…
But quick search of google will find a meme generator and then you upload your picture and add wording using their software
Not hard to do at all.
I am old too LOL

I have used this one before


sweet I’ll get on that one thanks I’m a meme lol

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Anytime Brother anytime

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Nice one STIGGY :+1:

I’ll keep that site in mind myself.

Cheers Johnny


Homegrown is always best, I use Paint.

every forum except overgrow:

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