Random rant on why I appreciate OG

So I met a cool dude around the new area I live that takes amazing photography, specifically cannabis. He has a pretty big page on Instagram his username is @loud_n_errl_
. We’ll ive smoked with him a couple times and gave him different samples for some awesome pics. I’m only 25, I’ve been dedicated to growing, truly dedicated since 18. But even loved it at an age before that far too young. I finally feel like I grow some solid better than average weed, not the best in the world, just some good shit. I’ve recently been trying to learn more with concentrates and my dry sift at first looked amazing but the last couple batches have been darker and not as nice of consistency. After all this I learned my screen is worn down and I gotta replace that (maybe some other things I can do to). But high times official Instagram reposted my buddies video of his dab Taco in which I’ll attatch a pic of. He used my neon cowboy dry sift as the beef in the taco. I was really happy high times reposted it even tho they are sell outs now cuz that’s just cool growing up tryna sneak those magazines around at like 12 years old. Well immediately as the views stack up people just wanna bash my dry sift cuz of the darker color cuz of my mistakes. It’s just constant haters on there that probably have never grown their own shit. I agree that stuff didn’t look great, it didn’t compare to even the stuff from me a year ago when this screen was brand new and also maybe I shoulda used the finer screens like before. But either way on overgrow its appreciation, complements, OR helpful friendly tips. If people just gave tips on how to make it look better that’s one thing but the punks on their just wanna scold and “lol” nonstop and it makes me wanna knock those punks out but they’ll just be online doin this forever as they don’t grow or do shit in life. Anyway I appreciate the love and help on here and the teamwork vibe. A lot of them on ig just wanna be highschool sassy bitches and I don’t like that shit. You guys on here rock and I hope everyone is having a great night….or day whereever your at in the world. I’m gonna attach a screenshot, check out my buddies video and page if your on their he does some awesome stuff. I took the screenshot when he put my rolled up rosin in there before he topped it with everything else.


I just saw this today on IG I thought it was f’n amazing


Positivity here right away! Lol yea that dude has talent with stuff like this, my fat fingers can barely make a dab sandwich :rofl:


I dream of the day I can walk in to a dab bar and order a full melt taco :laughing:


This dude @Worcestershire_Farms made a Scorpion before, or was it a turtle? U still have the pic?


It’s because most of OG is over 40 :sunglasses::sweat_smile:

I’m jealous- stay young, keep your eyes open, welcome to the world.



Lol yea many of them were young people that didn’t seem to know much besides saying ewwww that’s a booger that’s got butane in it. And it’s dry sift that just needed a fresh screen but just gotta forget about it and pass on some niceness in other places, that’s the way I’m tryna look at that.

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People who can’t or never have cooked, always talk shit about the meal.
Who cares !! That looks good, keep up the great work.


That is soo dope. We are creative beings. Those that don’t create believe their hate is some sort of contribution. Buddy gave up trying to get me on IG. I feel things so I steer clear of non Cannabis social media. Amazing that Black Twitter couldn’t get her old ass locked up, I digress.

Keep up the great work @Weedison

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LOL I like that! Thank you! And I feel more comfortable about everything on here because people who actually grow or make hash and love it, know that you’re not gonna be an expert your first time and no matter how long you’re growing,you’re always learning. I’m sure the cannabis legends that are 80 years old are still learning some as they continue

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Thank you I wanna get myself off of there but there’s also a lot of people on there I wouldn’t have communication with if it wasn’t for ig. I also wish those I can learn from on there would be back on the forums or breeders id purchase from would be on here so I could see when the seeds are coming. Idk Im not gonna be on there much now OG is too amazing

haters gonna hate and keyboard commandos gonna keyboard commando in mummies basement till they die


Lol forsure Where they were at while typing that shit.