First couple auto grows

The big one is Barney’s farm tangerine dream autoflower :skunk::tangerine: and the small micro grow is a grand daddy purple auto :purple_circle::muscle:… Next grow will be sweet seeds devil cream picked up 2 packs one to grow and one for trades… here is the seed ling at a couple days old


Best of luck on your future grows everything is looking great. I’ll pull up a chair :chair:
Digging the scorpion I’ve had 2 as pets in the past.
Welcome To Overgrow :call_me_hand:t2:


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Cool light set up.

Good luck, buddy. Sweet Seeds has some nice lineages. I really like how a lot of their lines have super long stigmas, and the smells always get me excited with everything I’ve grown by them. I haven’t yet grown that one though :slight_smile:

Lol thnxs can’t really run photos in it cuz it’s a screen cage only bad part but it lets me do a bioactive soil with no problems :muscle:

Ohh Kool!! Kinda what I was hoping for and if they turned out good I’d cross with another purple auto and do a pheno hunt

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