New to overgrow :)

Hello everyone new to over grow just starting my second soil grow…first actual successful one hopefully (last one had bad light leak causing reveg.) But here is what I’m working with so far a purple trainwreck, kurple fantasy (92 og kush x old mt. Man purple), frog holler haze (Oregon strain can’t find much info on if anyone else has anything on this I’d love to know more), and a massive midget auto flower (Nepalese x afghan x Hawaiian) 3 weeks into flower as of today. Feeding only mammoth P at this time…ffbb burnt them.


So far so good. Good luck!

Thank you that was just the PT I’ll get pics of the others later

Welcome to the site. Read and learn then turn that knowledge into some killer bud. I am a new grower also and have learned so much from here. Good luck with your little ladies :slight_smile:

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nooooooo another guy to fall victim to mammoth pee water in a bottle. 97% water and you bought paid more then 2 bucks for itXD i get 5 gallons of spring water for 2 bucksXD you can get all the bacteria you want in the woods on a piece of rotting wood for less then 2 bucks alsoXD

on the other side. your plants look great:) good job keep it up

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No I actually didn’t pay for it at all got a free $100 sample frpm the web site. I used big bloom but couldn’t get the feeding right with it and it burnt them a little more…but thanks they are doing well so far throwing really really good trichomes

well perfect! they give out free samples for a reasonXD hahahaha

Looking good for your first true run.

Welcome to Overgrow! Ask plenty of questions, there are lots of experienced growers (and nice folks) here to help you develop that green thumb.

Stay Hazed!


Thank you already learning alit more


Take notes on watering and nutetient levels and watch your PH. Otherwise love your plants and they will love you.

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Yea I haven’t ph’d My water at all

in my 4 years of growing neither have iXD

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Here is my kurple fantasy 3 weeks in

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Frog holler haze… Poor lighting tho

Welcome Jarbizzle, can you just tell us something about your growing equipment (light, ventilation, growing room size, etc…)? Have fun!


Yea I’m using about a 4x4x6 closet actually…using a subsystems micro reflector with 250 watt high pressure sodium…the ventilation is where im lacking…I just have a big PC fan I’ve rigged up for circulation only problem is I have to crack open the closet door when lights come on or it gets way too hot…working on fixing this soon.

Some trichs forming rather nice… Will be 28 days in flower tomorrow

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Forming into one massive flower… Should have four or more this size…luckily it survived being split in four toward the base from a light falling in veg…


They look great! Too bad about your last batch!