Unholy's Garden

Hi friends. I’m going to attempt to do a grow diary or two. It’s been a bit since I did and completed one.
I’ve been growing autoflowers indoors exclusively since 2011.

I’m about half way through this grow.
After this grow I’ll do a start to finish. Going to be my first photo grow since doing it in the woods 20 years ago.

Tent is 4x2x4

Light is ViparSpectra P2000

Fan is a 10 year old cyclone inline

4in. Vivosun filter

Pots are 2 gallon fabric

Soil is FoxFarm Ocean Forest and Happy Frog mixed

Hydroton clay pebbles 1/12 inches on the bottom of the pot for drainage.

Plants are-

On the far right is a Midnight Rider auto Created by a friend

Behind that is White Widow auto by Seedstockers

Next one going left in front is Good Shit auto by Phoenix Seeds

Behind that is Stone Dragon Auto by Autoflower Portal

Front left again is Northern Lights by SeedStockers

Last one far right is Gorilla Glue by Herbie’s Seeds

Questions, comments, or advice welcome and appreciated.


Hard outta likes.

Looks great! While I’m exclusively an outdoor grower, I’m really interested in trying autos. In fact, that’s the plan for next season, to include some autos.

Did I mention, your grow looks great!


Hey growchacho! Welcome to OG!
I think I recognize the handle from RIU.
Setup and plants looks great. Looking to probably set up a 4x2 for a veg.
Gonna pull up a chair :seat:


Good to see your Grow and congratulations on your OG 1 year anniversary in July.


What humidity do you have? 2 gallons is the perfect size if you want to control them, it’s going to be pretty crowded, thanks for sharing … beer3|nullxnull


Nice selection you’ve got in there, looking full and beautiful.


I’ve not checked the humidity nor the temp pm my grow area in years. Just whatever a normal house would have for the humidity. The home temp is on 68-70° summer and 70-75° winter. Not much difference in the grow area.

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That was my concern, if it is high you would have to defoliate and look for more aeration to avoid mould, everything is looking fine so far … beer3|nullxnull


Hi my friend
Great line up

What’s your temperature in the tent

I noticed the plants in the right side have some tips of the leaves either yellow but off color

Could be magnesium, heat stress I see a small fan you may need to increase air flow

Middle to left they look :eyes: :100: % beautiful

Great job



Here’s a few in a shed out back.
Left to right
Good Shit auto and another GS auto beside it.
Then a couple of crosses I made, White Widow x Stone Dragon
And beside it is Zkittlez x Stone Dragon



The inside tent.



And doggie approved to boot!
My pooch loves the smell and taste of weed… She’ll be hanging out in my room when I trim and picks up any leafs I drop lol
She also will lick our fingers after a doobie. When we go to take our hands away, she will paw us for more till she’s done

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Yeah both my pooches love the herb but that little guy is the worst. Can’t hardly leave any laying around or he’ll sniff it out and eat it.
A few leaves aren’t to bad but the couple of times he got hold of a bit of flower he’s looped out for hours.

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Lol, but not really. Luckily she leaves the flower alone.
I’ve been tempted to put some of my low quality butter I made into her food.
She’s getting older and the store bought cbd or glucosamine for pooches are more snake oil Imo.

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Harvested the Midnight Rider at day 65
Perfect for some daytime meds.


The rest are in there final weeks.



Looking stellar @UnholyFire!

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I forgot to point out the good shit auto from Phoenix seeds. It’s the one middle right.

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Not to great at doing updates.
Finished up a couple of auto grows and stitched to photos. My first time with photos.
These two have been on 12/12 for about 4 weeks.
Moby Dick

Super Kush



Those look great man, congrats