First grow "diary", my birthday, not doing a great job

Fucking AARP discounts yeah!!!

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Happy birthday broski

All the best

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I’ve got some great white myco sitting around and have been throwing it in from time to time!


Thanks buddy! I appreciate it!

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Happy early birthday day :tada:. What’s the green thing in the grow boxes?

Vert cool, looking forward to watching your first diary bud. Going to be great.

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Hey, last year I qualified for lifetime fishing license that I paid for last year, and a reduced State Park entry pass for $14 a year compared to $80. :grin: It sure makes it easier to be poor. I’m within 2 miles of our State Park lake, and a few hundred yards away from the boundary of our latest State Park that has an Iconic peak and is 30 square miles large. :+1: Plus I’m in a legal state!! :sunglasses: :weight_lifting_man:


That’s awesome! I love a good discount, and if you don’t take advantage of it you’re dumb, so nice work! That state park deal is super nice!


I like to use Evernote to track my grows. It’s a very nice note taking package, that I can attach images to. I can even attach a voice memo if I don’t feel like typing.

For microbes, I like aquatic micro organics. I use Fish Brew Bold with great results. I’ve also used Recharge, Mammoth P, and Mycrobes Complete in the past.


That sounds pretty good. I haven’t used Evernote since it came out however many years ago that was, but I’ll look into it!

Thanks everyone for the responses. I’m going to pull out my notebook tomorrow and take some physical notes.

Everyone have a great almost 420!


If you wanna use the black cover then I’d recommend topdressing in layers like a lasagna:

Horse manure. (optional, but it does speed things up a little in veg)
Grass clippings.
Nettles, dandelion, thistle, horsetail and other non-toxic weeds.
Tree leaves.


If you wanna keep it open, without the black cover then you can also place two wide and short tubes or pots with holes in each box to seperate the decomposition layer from your plants a little, then you just keep sowing into the tube/pot.

I sow a small handful at a time and let them figure it out among themselves, the best ones always survive and mature. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Do one run with regular seeds and keep both the males & females alive and you won’t have to care about seeds for years, maybe decades to come. Why pay for seeds when you can easily make them yourself, it doesn’t take any extra effort!

I have lots of roly-polies in there, they help aerate and distribute everything through their tunnels. They can’t climb smooth plastic so they stay where they are, rarely does one escape.

So yeah, just keep topdressing with all the good stuff that doesn’t cost any money.
You don’t need anything else for the rest of your life. :+1:

Welcome and godspeed!

And may you stack up many more years in good health while experiencing an abundance of love and joy! Thank you for being here.


Happy Birthday @ix3u , hope it’s a great day for you :v:


Happy Birthday my friend!

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Happy Birthday :tada::gift:


Thanks everyone! Still out of likes for another seven minutes, but I appreciate the birthday wishes! Only nine more hours in my shift and then I think I’m going to treat myself to some BDubs. Gotta make the best of it


Happy birthday, hope your day at work is an easy one!

So far so good. Been sitting here for three and a half hours so far not doing anything :muscle:t2:


Alright everyone, I have $108 worth of Amazon points to spend… What are some things I should get?

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Something you can sell so you can spend the money on food.

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While I can understand that as a very useful concept, I have no need for that. We grow/raise a huge majority of our food. Since it’s my birthday, I was looking for fun recommendations! Half is going towards printer filament, so $59 freedom bucks for something fun! If you had 60 wing wangs to buy something stupid on Amazon, what would you buy?