Bodhi Space Cake S1

Hello growbros and gals. This is my introductory journal on OG and it shouldbe an interesting one with bag seeds from dispensary weed.
Two out of two seed popped. Lavender Jones which is a hybrid Purple Urkel and Casey Jones , and Space Cake, which is Bhodi’s Snow Lotus and Girl Scout Cookies forum cut.

So this grow is being built as the plants grow (and as fast as my paychecks allow) and because of that they’ve been through some stress. They’ve been outdoors in 105° weather, they’ve had their sleep schedule flipped from natural to lights off during the day. They’ve had pests. They’ve been overwatered, underwatered; they’ve been too close to the light, and they’ve been handled quite a bit.
The only thing I haven’t done is over feed them, but now they’re showing minor signs of some nute deficiencies lol.
It’s ok though the plan all along was to grow anything while I set up a grow room, so here we are. Besides, maybe someone will learn from my mistakes.

Here’s the Space Cake. She’s a fast grower that takes well to topping and LST, with short internodal spacing and lots of branches. She’s likes light nutrient feedings, and she clones very easily. So far a pleasure to grow, but if there’s one downside it’s that she seems to be more susceptible to bugs.

These are two of the first clones I tools from the seed mother Space Cake. As you can see they look a lot better than their mom because they’ve had a much easier life completely indoors.


Lavender Jones has been a pleasant surprise considering she was a runt from birth. For about a month she barely grew at all, until one day she finally started growing again. This one looks to be more Casey Jones dominant with it’s thinner, longer, sativa-looking leaves. A stubborn cloner, the verdict is still out on this one. I don’t remember the smoke so we’ll see how she pans out.

Here’s my grow room, my clones, group shot, my nutes so far and my little buddy helping me combat thrips.



Welcome to the site. You got the size bottle of clonex that I got I think it’s the smallest bottle they make lol. It’s good stuff. Everything looks good so far buddy. Can’t wait to see the space cake! I’m sure you know, but try not to introduce anything from the outside into your grow room I don’t even like to go cut the grass and then come back in. Strip at the door then shower type deal. It’s a testament to how Hardy weed plants are they’ll bounce back just try not to stress or too much in flowering. You got it :call_me_hand:


Mantis living good? I got tons of em outside i was thinking the same. Just as preventative predator. I think they die quick without food tgough.


I just noticed that that’s a good catch wondering if praying mantises would be a good idea to throw in a tent I don’t know how they would fare underneath the lights I have though. What am I talking about they’ve been living outside and hundred degree temperatures forever they should be good as long as there’s food lol


You’re right man and I’m pretty good about keeping my room clean. I sweep and mop and clean the walls with bleach for instance, but I’ve only recently stopped letting the dogs in. I have to work on not coming in and out either.


I looked it up before it put him (I made it a him) in there cause I didn’t want him to die a slow painful death lol. It turns out they eat everything from thrips to spider mites and aphids, you name it. If you have a ton around your house it definitely wouldn’t hurt if you’re battling a big problem like I am atm.


Everything is nice I’m gonna bookmark. Front row with my popcorn. My kittie gets a sniff here and there lol. She’s my little tabbie. I’m gonna get her some cbd treats. She’s a total stoner cat. Later bro.

Didn’t know that about praying mantises I assumed that they were carnivorous. I don’t have a gnat problem anymore but if I did praying mantises would definitely be an option as long as I keep it sealed up the way it is. It’s a good idea though he looks happy


Yeah, if you look online you can buy the eggs. When they hatch, they have a ferocious appetite.


And at a hatchling size they are so much better at taking care of the smaller bugs aphids and mites…those big 5in Mantis’ that can fly probably wouldn’t be good at snatching up the smaller ones


Haha! If the kittie sees something I dont tell it to let me know.
Thanks for the follow I’ll definitely keep it updated. There’s plans for a scrog and possibly Co2 in the future. Once I get on top of the thrip problem, and my clones are nice and hardened off, I’ll start flowering. I’m shooting for 3 weeks from now.
Yeah, like a noob I let this thrips problem get out of control. As you can see in some of the pics, I threw out the top 2+ inches or so of soil to try and get rid of any eggs that haven’t hatched. I spray them with neem oil and I physical squish them for like an hour a day sometimes, but I need to buy some blue sticky traps and some nematodes this Friday. I appreciate my little buddy helping me out but I’m gonna need the big guns for this one.


Are you sure they are thrips, or are they fungus gnats? There is a big difference in the way you treat them. What your doing is good for the fungus gnats.


Yeah I’m pretty sure they’re thrips. They don’t fly and they’re white. The damage to the leaves is tell-tale thrips damage.
They lay their eggs in the soil too.


Okay, in that case save yourself the headache and get some Spinosad. Captain Jack’s Dead Bug Brew is what I use, two applications and no more thrips!


Yup. Silvery bite marks on top of the leaves and black poo dots.
Will do man! Thank you.
Making a trip to the hydro store this Friday


Is Spinosad good for gnats too and is it available on Amazon or just :us: .?

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Looking good man. Welcome to the page.


You got bag seed from a dispensary?!

Idk if it works for gnats gaz but here a link to Captain Jack’s dead bug that buddy was talking about
Bonide (BND253) - Captain Jack’s Dead Bug Brew, Insecticide/Pesticide Concentrate (32 oz.), Brown/A

This is the grower that I found the space Cake froms description of it


Nope, gnats will drink spinosad like a martini then go make more babies! For gnats, I use a three pronged approach. First cover the top of the pots with a out 2" of sand. Second put up sticky traps. Finally use nematodes. If you do all three the numbers will be dramatically reduced.


That’s good to know. I’m about 99.9% certain it’s thrips. I’m getting nematodes and sticky traps but I didn’t think of the sand thing. That’s good.