First grow "diary", my birthday, not doing a great job

Buds dont look too bad! Next round will be better :muscle:

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Not all plants react well to defoliating, every plant has their own personality. :slight_smile:

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And if this is a small harvest, cannot wait to see what you do when you kill it.

Removing leaf material, defoilating, should be done once… and that is right after you flip it… remove 80% of the leaf exposing all the budsites to light… as the new leaf material grows back, the budsites do also… at this point you never remove a leaf, you tuck it if need be…and yes, the leaf will return in 2wks and your plants will look amazing… my canadian friend has this down pat man… Pa_Nature is the best at this…

Your plants looked purdy good man… enjoy


I’ll remember this, thanks!

Plants getting fed with synthetics will also react better to defoliating I suppose.


I’m going to try to stick to how it should be done as opposed to what I like doing, which is fiddle-fucking with my plants :rofl:. I think I’m far enough along to start posting my new grow so need to start another thread for it. Hopefully tonight I’ll get it up. Will for sure be more intense since it’s all photo regs as opposed to autos which is all I’ve ever grown.


That Iced latte, looks amazing!! I’m going to search for those.
I also see your buying small camper dish pans, I’m using them as saucers, for my 3 gallon pots.
I’m finding filling saucers, to water/feed/tea my 3 g pots gives me a few more days between visits.
Without them water/feed/tea every 3-4 days.( I use a very airy medium)
Saucers, give me 6-7 days between visits.
Once your top layers dries out, no more gnats, lovely side effect.
Anyway, I love those pans!!
Great grow, IMHO!!


I feel like you are talking about the “trim bins” @webeblzr ?

I prefer to prune/defoliate when stretch is done. That way it’s easy to see what branches/leaves are losers.

That said I will do it at any time if I feel it’s necessary.


That’s what I do as well… Plus anytime I feel like it. Probably why my grows are sub par. I’m feeling really good about the next one though. Going to try and keep it more “by the book” since I’m basically just shooting for healthy seeds.

I used to do the same thing guys… and still find myself reaching for something to pluck… what changed my mind was watching these cool youtube videos… some suck, but few old guys know their stuff… One thing it did change me on was removing lower larf so the plant can concentrate it’s energies on buds, big ones. lol. eh, these plants are tough and can handle a lot, but rule is, each time you pluck live tissue, it takes 10 days to repair it and again, using it’s energy in the wrong area… makes sense, but, I’m off to pluck of leaf now out of spite… hahaha

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I doubt it’s like that for every plant, so may variables… some plants will heal it faster, for some it will take even longer than 10 days.

Do what feels right and brings you peace.

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