First grow "diary", my birthday, not doing a great job

Put me back in coach. I can make it!!


Lol. He’s trying his best… Too bad his best isn’t very good :laughing:

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Ya never know🤷 that one might be the all star​:star_struck:…. At least it’s trying. :grin:

Seriously - they look good overall. Great work. Keep on Growing - Overgrow the world.

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And I can personally identify! Go little weed buddy!

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If it’s grows anything, I’ll roll it all up into one (hopefully big) joint for someone to enjoy! Maybe you @Longtooth since you’re right down the road!

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Little update. Tied the iced latte up in a big bunch because it was blocking everything. Everything is finally flowering. The sweet cheese finally crapped out and is in the compost. About time to get all the veggie seedlings in the ground, so I can finally get the shelf out of my tent and get some space back.


Mine ended up the same lol :laughing:

Personally IF I get to do whatever I like on my birthday vs what everyone else thinks I want. It’s a good day… just had my 41st B day over the weekend and I did whatever I wanted, it was great.

Use a black garbage bag and bunjie cords, same deal & way cheaper.

Mycorrhizal (feed the microbes that feed the plant)

I encurage you to keep updating this thread in your spare time, it’s great to see the progress good and bad… keep smiling :smiley: @ix3u

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You know that’s right! My family knows that about me all too well. There’s plenty of time in the year to celebrate, so birthday time I like to be low key and just relax! This year I happened to away from home. And had to work. But when I got off, I didn’t do shit :joy:. Had some drinks, ate leftovers, and didn’t the night on OG!

Definitely going trashbags next time. 10 bucks and the stupid holes didn’t even line up well :roll_eyes: plus I cut the plant holes shitty and it’s just a mess, but working I suppose!

I’ll keep updating the best I can. Only being home for like 14 hours a week for the next couple weeks makes it a pain though! Luckily I have my kasa cam so I can half ass look at things.

Expect BIG updates this summer! I’ve got some big, COMPLETELY unnecessary things that are going to be happening! Of which I’m going to be asking tons of questions so I don’t fuck it up since it’ll be pretty permanent.

@CADMAN I know I made it over in the happy birthday thread the other day, but happy birthday again! Hope you have a great year!


How do you like this? I’ve got the Kasa Smart strip and love it.

Thanks fella :+1: you as well. Hope everything goes great for you and you get to work less by choice :ok_hand:

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I’ll be working WAY less in about three weeks! Just a busy time of year.

I absolutely love it. I’ve got three of the strips too and they are indispensable! I went with the kasa cam instead of their newer tapo since I already use the kasa app.


100% I’ve got 3 of the 3 plug strips, fantastic product.

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I’ve got three of the six plug. No big deal :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. I had one and then they dropped almost in half for price so bought two more. One is still in the box till I find a use for it. Just didn’t want to miss the sale

They are awesome though. I’ve got two set up for the tent so I can run different stuff. I have all my ac infinity stuff plugged into one because the controller 69 pro is an asshole and looses connectivity to the internet all the time, so I found it you turn off all the stuff plugged into it and turn em back on, it’ll reconnect. Then the other has all my cheap little led strips for my veggie shelf so I can turn those on and off depending on what’s on the shelves, as well as my camera and main light.

The camera has a nice amount of articulation to it and I can control it all from the app. The “starlight” night vision is pretty decent too.


Another update since I could take two pics today. First up is the froot by the foot. Still hella short. Cream mandarin has got a nice huge main stem, and the iced latte is still hella bushy.

Stem rubs are interesting. Apparently I don’t have the nose to differentiate smells… Other than fbtf and cm smell good and the il smells “weird”. Not unpleasant, but can’t figure out what I could equate it to.
@VAhomegrown told ya your FBTF looked way better than mine :laughing:


Grow looks good man. My 40th, I was dating on POF 2010-2012 and getting tons of great ass. “wear a condom” :sunglasses:

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Update time. Everything is looking pretty good for the incredible hands off approach that I’ve been taking.

First up is the iced latte:

Next up is the cream mandarin:

Then finally, the froot by the foot. Got single leaves and three leave ones growing. Seems weird:

Did a big last defoliation today. The CM and FBTF smell incredible! The iced latte smells weird, and I don’t know what to describe it as. I don’t think it’s a coffee smell, but kind of pleasantly unpleasant? It’s weird.


So I’m way behind on this update… It’s been chopped, hung, and jarred since fairly shortly after my last post. I kept meaning to move all my pics to my computer to do this easier. But I never got around to it, so this is going to basically be a ton of pics without a lot of explanation so I get this grow wrapped up and start posting pics of my new grow.

Iced latte


Froot by the foot (barely :roll_eyes:)

Turned out pretty pathetic . I must have stunted it super early because I’ve seen another one on here that looked great.


Cream Mandarin


More cream mandarin

And then super fun to find in the DD of this one, so threw the whole cola away, jarred the rest and I’ll see how it looks in a couple months.

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And that concludes my first documented grow on here and my second grow overall. Stay tuned for the next one which should be more interesting.