First time full organic growth\ First time grower

Hey guys.
I have had a tiny bit of experience with growing , i managed to grow 4 pants to live for a month in coco, but they never grew higher than 10 cm and 4 leaves. so i gave up coco.
Full Organic seems to be a much healthier way for the plants, I have chosen my destiny.
There is so much info on growing organic on the web i don´t even understand why people would go in any other direction, why on earth yo use chemicals when the natural thing works 1000000000 times better. That´s their problem and they have to deal with it.
My problem is that it´s really hard to come by some of the products available atm in the USA. There is no way to import them to Europe, But the good news is that there is no alternative in Europe for some of them. At least i was unable to find some. That could drive some people into chemicals, i prefer not to go down that road again.

But the fact still remains i need some of these organic materials - i will list them and if you have the time maybe you can point me in a good direction.
1 - Rootwise Mycrobe Complete -
2 - Rootwise Enzyme Elixir -
3 - Rootwise Bio-Phos -

This is for start, i am still working my way throughout the schedule, will update if something else comes along.
I have not yet started the growth , i still need seeds. I need to start with an Autoflower because of circumstances i will not go into , because irrelevant. Can i pull off 2 plants until the end of April, considering the auto i am about to buy has a 10 week life cycle. And could also go to other brands, but i would like to input on this, do they take much longer than the seller approximates? And by 2 plants i mean at the same time in 2 tents. I have a 200w hps, probably will go for a bit higher, and a 250 w led with veg\bloom settings.

This may look like jibber-jabber , and its probably because it is. I´m doing my best to describe what i can, but i am limited because of the lack of experience.I appreciate any and all inputs and will stay on top of replying as soon as i can :smiley:

Long live your buds, and may the burn slowly in peace :vulcan_salute:


Everything you’re looking for can be purchased from build a soil; not sure if they ship internationally, but they are a trusted vendor to check out of you haven’t already

This is highly subjective, so it’s wise to avoid absolute statements about what is “best”.
Synthetic nutrients, hydro, and coco approaches have the capacity to yield more at harvest, in a shorter amount of time, with little noticeable difference in quality. As you’ve learned, synthetics take more research, experience, and knowledge to utilize to their full potential. Soil is far more forgiving for a new grower like yourself, but not objectively “better”.

Time to maturity, as stated by breeders, is only an estimate, and it’s usually an overly optimistic one. You’ll need to judge for yourself when your plant is ready to harvest. That said, 10 weeks is pretty simple math, and that would be Match 26th if your seed breaks ground today. End of April is over 100 days away, so can you finish by end of April? It depends on when you plant your seeds, but you know the stated maturity time, so your calendar should answer this question.
To your question about plant numbers, 250 watts should be good for about a 2x3 foot tent. You could easily fit 2 plants in that amount of space. How big are your 2 tents?

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You will not find any country allowing soil or even plants being allowed to be shipped from another country legally without a lit of expensive testing first and then still not allowing it in.


I have been looking to buy from I cant select any other country for delivery but US.

I have a 80x80x160cm tent, 30x30x60 inch, rough estimate
I find it too low, that´s why i would like to buy a 180-200 cm , i´m afraid plant will hit the lamp in the 160cm tent by the end. I could go on with no tent , i have all the space i need up to 2m in the basement.Would it be easier to go naked with no tent.? For light i am thinking the MarsHydro 600 led + my 200w HPS. If i choose no tent i can invest the costs of the tent into nutrients, worm bin, maybe even grow some Shiitake mushrooms to increase CO2 levels.

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After 3 weeks of research i came to the same conclusion.
But thanks for the input :smiley: much appreciated .

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Welcome to OG Kiff-Lee.

You should start reading up on organics, once you understand composting and using worms to break down your macro nutrients you will be able to make your own soIL.

Here is a link to Clackamas Coots soil recipe.


You can substitute different ingredients so long as they provide the same nutrients.


I’m aware of this, but since we’re talking about bottled, labeled nutes, I didn’t know that would be stopped as well.

@Kiff-Lee There are just too many variables here to make suggestions. Your grow setup is going to be specific to you. Decide whatyou think you are going to use, and then ask for feedback.
It doesn’t seem like you’re quite ready to start yet, so keep researching!

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OK I was not aware build a soil sold bottled nutes :+1:


I wouldn’t worry about these products. I’ve grown organically without them.

I would suggest you research KNF or JADAM natural farming techniques. These focus on making nutrients yourself from local sources.


Well, if you like organic soil growing a good reference is “True Living Organics” by The Rev. (There’s a bootleg PDF out there if you can’t get a hard copy)

Here is a small recipe book: soil recipes.pdf (193.4 KB)
to review as well.



O my god, thanks a lot, i have been drafting my own recipe and i am not far from what you just sent me. Great success :pray: Thanks for the help


I have an old setup, some stuff its already available , but yes you are absolutely right, I´m nowhere close to plant. That´s why i´m glad that that i found you guys. just half a day browsing and my shopping list became smaller and better. I need like 2 weeks at least to prepare the room i am going to work in… Materials are coming in slowly, Corona, By my estimates i should be ready to germinate by middle\end of February. What would be the advantage\disadvantage growing without a tent? As i mentioned before i could use the money spent on a new tent for a better light and nutrients. Any inputs on that ?

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Welcome to the organic side!

You don’t need any of these.

Get some certified organic soil, some covercrop seeds and you’re good to go.
Then just keep sowing in the same pot and your soil will get better and better.

I’m using a stacked pot method now. Small pot on top of a bigger pot.
You keep adding kitchenscraps, tree leaves, grass clippings, nettles, dandelion, thistle, etc. to the bigger pot while sowing covercrop in the smaller pot on top at the same time as you sow your cannabis seeds.

Check out my “No-Till Mystery Cult” thread if you’re interested. :slightly_smiling_face:


Can you guys recommend a compost material that i can buy in Germany ? Will be easier to start with something already used instead of buying the first random compost for flowers, I have seen Oly Mountain Fish compost. not available outside US:


You could try searching for organic tomato growing supplies local to you, they are similar in requirements.
You don’t need special cannabis fertilizers which will be expensive generally anyway.


Go to your local garden supply store and ask for certified organic compost/soil.
And if they don’t have any, ask them to order some, because a garden supply store without it isn’t worth the name.

The regular bagged soils contain synthetic nitrogen and all kinds of other garbage including plastic pellets.

If it doesn’t smell like a forest then it isn’t what you want.

Also drop into this thread sometimes and maybe you’ll win some seeds. :grinning:

And don’t rely on 10 weeks to get a fully mature harvest. Even for auto’s that’s very optimistic.
You’ll have something but it might not be very strong or too much of a nervous head buzz.
If you want a heavy body stone then you want to wait as long as possible to harvest,
like until the leaves are shrivelling up and your plant is almost dead.


me personally i use some dirt mixed with coco and perlite 2x2 tent 4 plant humiditifier with humidity kepy about %50 temp about 84 lights 18/6 veg and 12/12 flower with a fan to circulate air this is a pic of my latest grow joti black candyland and a sour diesel its the tall one an my daughters very first plant oh yeah 600 watt mh and hps for flower

yeah and nutz are nectar of the gods for veg and flower bloom for flower along with straight water for last week before cutdown and 48 hoours of dark at last