Where all the organic growers at?

What’s up guys just got 600 gallons of super soil mixed up to get ready for outdoor
Gonna be doing Brian berry cough, cherrygasm,blueberry, GDP and plushberry
What everyone else doing??


I’m Organic at heart.


Love the supersoil for outdoors. next up for me to run is Remo Nutrients indoors

I have used Advanced Nutrients organic line in combination with supersoil with great results and probally will go back to some form of this in the future!


I used to run advanced nutrients connisuer line and blue planet nutrients but now just super soil and compost teas and top dressing😀


I’d love to get to that stage!! I bet your flavour’s are unreal!


I’m organic-aquaponics (minus iron chelate) :slight_smile:

Ever thought of running amok with aquaponics?


Oh nice,na I’m a soil guy😁

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The tased is amazing and honestly easier than bottle nutrients IMO of course


Me standing next to my clients organic ladies, a few weeks into flower. Simple topdress, and blumats. 4oz per plant. Unknown strain. I was contracted to finish up the grow because of her husbands passing, he started organic, I finished it organic.

I really enjoyed growing this next to coco, this strain had a citrus skunky funk to it. And just yummy smooth, I ran out of it quick!.

I try to grow soil when I can.


Hola everybody : Here organic wild outdoor grower. I uses only donkey, horses, sheep, goat n fruity bats casting feeds, with olive n palm tree ashes, as I show in Outdoor Growin in The Dogs House thread…


Hey Mig good to see you.


I uses germinated by finish May, couse a CBD indica like Dandy Dance I showhed in The Dogs House can be 2 metros high in October: militar police helicopters are tolerant whith weed grows only if it only can be see from air n it looks autoconsume grow… With only between 2 to 5 plants my people smokes all year…
Now recolectin winter cold dead palm tres n compostin animal cating or bosts…



Organics all day! I run supersoil and got Grimm’s Cinderella, marionberry kush and royal phoenix x querkle coming along nice. Can’t beat the organic terpine profiles when everything’s fading!


Hey guys, I run no till “mountainorganics recipe” been on rollitup for years and grasscity. Just dropping in to say hi and hope to contribute to this once great legendary site! Here is a pic of my marionberry kush grown in nothing but no till goodness! Peace!


I use an awesome blend that in Maine that is Maine sea kelp lobster compost worm castings myco and potting soil I love it

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right here mah man. following Bluejay aka mountainorganics and clackamas coot for life. no till all the way


Hello there. Reading some of the things you guys do makes me realize how far out of my league I am here, LOL. I just use regular potting soil from Walmart with a few things added in: fish emulsion, worm castings, kelp extracts, hydrated lime, and campfire ashes. I do,however, add one unusual thing. I live near a huge Marsh and several ditches that drain the marsh. At a certain time of year when the water is low I can go to the ditch and dig the dirt from the bottom. The resulting mud, when dried out is a very very black soil. This added into the other simple ingredients that I use has performed very well for me. I am just a basic Joe who grows for his own personal stash,but my hat is off to you guys.I would like to thank OG for providing this forum for people like me.


Roots organic is a good bagged base soil, black gold with some perlite, or sunshine 4 for lightening works well for me also. You can get them at most local hydro shops. As for that swamp floor muck!! There’s gotta be something about it! I’ve done some uk cheese with muck in the bottom and she reeked. Maybe sulfur? Idk I’m no expert either haha.


If it works for you keep on keeping on. I’m more impressed with people that use the resources around them for their grow, so hats off to you for finding an interesting soil ammedment. . The real point of the organic grow is to keep it as natural as possible,

Glad to have you on board.


foraging is the best. next time try going to the forest and getting soil from there that has been undisturbed for what hundereds of years? that shit will be prime!! throw that in a pot throw down some clover, alfalfa, buckwheat, peas, etc and grow those for bit before popping some beans in there:) while youre out grab some stinging nettle, horsetail, yarrow, dandelion, alfalfa, comfrey, clover, etc for your food:) youll be set all for free (cept the pot and time)