Flower’s Continuous Grow

None better.

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I have about three ounces left and a while before I can harvest anything. There’s no way I would part with any right now. For a fact. lol
I’d be climbing the walls before long. lol

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I agree! I married a beautiful redhead who is the love of my life. 3 redheaded daughters. 3 redheaded granddaughters.


We are blessed @Bert .


Absolutely! To me, the important thing to know is when you’re happy and what makes you happy. So many ppl think material things make them happy and their pot is never full because they just want more and more.


I meant the jars full of gold, not the ones full of weed, lol.
The wife and I smoke about 3 ounces a month, so yeah, I don’t like getting under 3 ounces either.

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Greetings :pray: I’m trying to have a continuous grow situation also for personal use so I’ll follow along and see how you doing things :slightly_smiling_face:
Great setup you got there.


If I buried any gold out here I forgot when and where. :joy:

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I have a metal detector, you mind if I come look around?
I will split everything I find with you.

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Hang around @globalhead , it’s all about timing.
I actually grow in a pretty small area. My wife and I smoke about 3 ounces a month, I grow about 4, so I got it figured out pretty good.
Even in a small area, I keep about 4 strains going at a time.
I am always kicking a strain out, and bringing a new one in.
One of these days, I will decide which 4 I actually wanna keep.
Right now it’s,
Herijuana x Blueberry
Banana Mango x Chocolate Skunk
ECSD x Ghost OG
Sugar Belts.
I have Passion Fruit and Freak Show in veg.
We will see if either of those two dethrone the top contenders.


These Freak Show are so cool. This is my 2nd go around with them.
The first time I popped two seeds, and got two males. This time I popped 4 seeds.
Surely, I will get a female this time.

The Passion Fruit is growing great.

The Frankenstein’s are coming along, as well.


I was hanging plants in the woodshed over the winter and stripping fan leaves, lol.


Good morning @Flower . Nice volunteer’s! :laughing:

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@MoBilly, sorry I didn’t return the good morning the other day. I had liked it, and intended to come back later and reply, but got sidetracked and forgot.
This past week has been a little crazy.

On a camping trip now. Hopefully gonna get into some crappie before we leave. The bites on right now, but the wind has really been working against us.


If it were me… I’d unplug right now. :slight_smile: Enjoy the trip. :+1:t5:

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I am unplugged, and boy was I needing it.
Gonna work a full week, next week, and then I will be off another full week for turkey season.
I am really gonna unplug then, lol.

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Sounds like a solid gold plan. :+1:t5:

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We are in them, now.


Yeah BOY! I’m getting that itch and I just gotta scratch!!!

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Passion Fruit.

Potted some ECSD x Ogers clones.

The Frankensteins from @JohnnyPotseed

Current state of veg.