Flower’s Continuous Grow

I am currently in the middle of the woods, turkey hunting.
I just happened to notice that I am sitting in the middle of a bunch of plants covered in PM.
Guess who is taking a shower, and changing clothes, before they go anywhere near my grow room.


Good call! That could have been a disaster.

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The Frankensteins are really growing. Gave their tops a little pinch a couple days ago.

Been on vacation turkey hunting this week.
Got bit above my right eye by a spider a couple days ago. Right eye is dang near swelled shut, this morning.

I can still see to shoot, though, so guess I’ll be alright.
No pain to speak of, just a lot of swelling, so don’t think it was a black widow or a fiddle back.


Were you bit in the woods or at home?

BTW Good morning @Flower . :slight_smile:

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Good morning to you, as well @MoBilly.

Got me in the woods. I didn’t even know I had been bit until one of the guys hunting with me told me that I had a knot above my eye.

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Then the likelihood of it being a Recluse is lowered considerably. Still, though, keep watching it for a yellowing spot at the bite. If you see a yellow (or reddish spot with a ring around it you might want to have a doctor examine it.
Right around the eye would be a very bad spot for a Recluse bite.
Like I said though, if it happened in the woods it probably wouldn’t be a Recluse but it can’t be ruled out.


I have just been telling everyone that my wife beats me.


Sugar Belts

Banana Mango x Chocolate Skunk

ECSD x Ogers


I like the closeups of the buds. I hope they smoke as well as they look!

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Vacation is going well.
Me and another guy got a double this morning.


This Skunk Monkee (Banana Mango x Chocolate Skunk) is just about ready to chop.
I am looking forward to trying this one.
Of course, I look forward to trying every new strain.


My cold crops are looking good.

This is the little greenhouse that I do all of my up potting in.

After a hard day of hunting.

This cat here, which one of my grand babies is tormenting with a stick, is the most murderous
feline I have ever seen. He is good for about 8 to 10 chipmunks a day, but more impressively, he rolled in here a few minutes ago with his 2nd gray squirrel of the day. I have never seen a cat catch a full grown squirrel before now.
I managed to get the first one from him, and let it go, but the 2nd one wasn’t so lucky.


Wow nice stuff !



Here is a picture of both, I believe I may have 2 females after all.
I like using the clear plastic cups with the domed lids because I feel like they hold humidity a little better.

Y’all gonna have to excuse me for a minute. I got some fancy cussin’ to do.
Just discovered balls all over this Sugar Belts, so her and the cuttin’s I took from her are gettin’ the boot.
Which means I got to take some cuttins’, or pop more seeds to fill the empty holes.
Hang in there for a little ride along, folks.


And in case anyone is wondering, I use Jacks and Epsom salts, and that’s it.
I don’t use any of the FF products anymore, and I don’t PH nothing.


Pulled two of the Goji x SSDD off the top shelf, and up potted.


Now I am gonna take some cuttings from this Herijuana x Blueberry from G&M, and see what I can do about filling some empty holes.


That looks better.

All done.

I am still butt hurt over that Sugar Belts, though.

This one here is going strong and not showing any balls, so at least I will still get to try it in the near future.
Bad thing is, I am gonna have to pop more seeds if I wanna keep running it, because the only cuts I had were from the one that hermed.


I’d love to have a couple of shipping containers on the place. My plan was to build a lumber kiln out of one. Using one to grow makes perfect sense. I might have to look around for one on the cheap. My wife said she would rather I not grow out any more male plants in the house. I don’t know why. :joy: Allergies were so bad for both of us.
A container would be perfect for pollen chucking.


It does work out really well, and they were free.

I noticed you talking about sawmills on another thread.
My father passed in 2020, and I inherited his sawmill.
I have not fired it up since his passing, but it is an old Belsaw circular sawmill powered by a late 70’s model F-150.
The next time I am down at moms, (she only lives 4 miles from me) I will take some pictures of the mill, I believe you will find it very interesting.
Dad and I sawed a lot of lumber on that thing over the years.
Dad was also a self employed carpenter his whole life, so of course I grew up learning the trade.
I built my home, myself, from lumber sawn on dad’s mill.

This is what turkey camp looked like this week, one of the guys brought his camper to my house.