Flower’s Continuous Grow

Lmao sounds like the farm owns you and you just live on the land. Sometimes those farm animals can be a pain! I grew up on a farm in the country and still help my grandma at least once a month on her farm


The end of that story is rather funny but I hesitate to post it. lol


How long do they take to show…and do you change the water at all…??

I could save a lot of resources if I do this :slightly_smiling_face:
You have a great way and style of growing :v:

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They usually take about two weeks.
We will see how many days it takes for the Freak tops I stuck in there Saturday.


My sticker collection is still growing.

@Pigeonman, package received. Thank you.
Dad once found a nest of pigeons in an old barn, and brought home one of the squabs.
I was probably about 7 years old, at the time.
I hand fed her until she was big enough to fly.
We turned her loose, and she hung around for a couple years.
She would often land on one of our shoulders.
She tried to land on a neighbor ladies shoulder once, but the neighbor lady didn’t know she was tame.
The neighbor lady took off running and screaming, all the while with the pigeon trying to land on her.
I would love to have personally seen it, but the story that was told after the fact was still pretty funny.
I had other pigeons after her, but none of the rest were memorable.

@blowdout2269, your package also showed up today.
Thank you, sir.

@THCeed, package received. Thanks for the bonus pack of Chocolate Tai x Rockin Rain.


Good story. Made me smile anyway. lol

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Woo! Happy you got the goodies @Flower and thanks for the fun story! :smiley:

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Y’all know how you end up in this situation on your nightstand?
And you finally just say, “I am gonna start with the shortest one first.”
Well, I done smoked the shortest two, before I posted this.
Anyway, I know we have all been faced with this dilemma.
I am now playing, “Hmmmmm, I wonder which strain this one is?”
Well, if this sounds stupid, it’s because I have been playing the game for about an hour, now.

Peace Brothers.


@HighTilliDie @Trimeresurus @Villiager, we are 10 days in.
Trimeresurus, how goes it with your SSDD tops?


Very cool so definitely a female?

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Nope, the Freaks are tricky to sex. The first time I grew these, I thought I had a female, and stuck a male in the flower tent.
Here is a top from one of the males I had back in August. I let it sit in 12/12 for a good while.


Was digging through one of my journals on a different site and found this.


I like your approach of putting the cuttings in the cups. Is that rooting hormone or fertilizer in the cups?


Same fertilizer that I use in veg, Jacks All Purpose 20-20-20.
I have found that if I give them straight water, they turn yellow faster than they show sex.


Funny you should ask. :smiley: I just posted about this earlier today in the Sex ID thread. So far, I can’t tell anything by looking, but it’s only been a week.


We are now at 15 days. These are both definitely male.


I have GOT to give this a try! :+1:t5:


Really cool @Flower. Same as above ill have to give this a when I run some reg seeds again


I was down at moms today, and remembered to walk up to the sawmill and take some pictures.

That lever with the rope is attached to a steel pipe that connects to the throttle.

Belt tensioner.

Like I said, she ain’t been fired up since dad died in 2020, and everything is pretty much the way he left it.

Feel free to tag anyone else you think would be interested in seeing this contraption, lol.


Takes me way back.
How about you guys? @Hemp @JohnnyPotseed @Emeraldgreen @TopShelfTrees1 @Greenfingers @Rabeats2093