Flower’s Continuous Grow

I would like to see that.



The Temple Flo showed up safe and sound.
Thank you.


I love it. Thank you.


Thanks for the report brother.
You are very welcome.
Thanks for helpin’ out the cause.

Hey @MoBilly you know this guy?
He must be alright then. :wink:
Glad to meet you @Flower
I love the avatar. :star_struck:

This pic looks pretty cool.
I will have to show the @Kavman
He gets the credit for the beans. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Oh…and , nice shirt too!


I haven’t know @Flower a long time but he seems to me to be a good ol boy. I’d take him on a rough float trip if that counts. It does to me. lol


Yep, I believe me and @MoBilly are cut from the same cloth, I could for sure go fishin’ with him.


Put this absolutely beautiful Hairberry into 12/12 today.

I believe we can all agree by now, these are obviously female.

The water usually gets a little green with algae by the time they show sex.

Cleaned out the cups, and put two new tops in today, @HighTilliDie , wasn’t it your journal we were discussing this in?
If so, feel free to tag anyone who was interested.

Frankenstein @JohnnyPotseed

Took all those big fans off the Passion Fruit.

This Sugar Belts is getting frosty.

Sticker Corner is starting to get crowded.


Yep it was my thread. Let me see if I can get the folks together who are interested @Villiager @Trimeresurus. More information on the fast way to find sex with your top cuts


I’m here and still interested

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How did I miss this thread?

This guy has it all!
Nice grow setup, beautiful plants, guitars, good bourbon, sawmill, fishin and a maniacal cat. What else could a person want.

I’m pulling up a seat.


Very nice :+1:t3::+1:t3::+1:t3:!
Good morning Flower.


Thanks for the tag, @HighTilliDie ! I appreciate it. What’s funny is I ended up taking some tops off of the SSDD F2 this morning and doing this very thing.

Good looking journal, I’ll be following along, @Flower .


Awesome, @Trimeresurus , I am glad you gave the technique a go.
I ain’t gonna lie, I picked it up from a different forum, so can’t take much credit for it, but you will find that it works well.


I have only been on here for a couple months, so………
I do hope everyone enjoys the content.


Hang around friend, I am just getting started.
I just had a bit of a reflection, just now.
I have always tried to surround myself with friends, who were smarter than me, in one way or the other.
I feel I have done a good job of that, and pride myself in my closest circle of friends.
It just dawned on me, that 98% of the people on weed forums are very intelligent people.
It really does make you scratch your head in many different aspects.


Yep. Having a grand time. :slight_smile:

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I’d like to agree but I started on ILGM and man the stuff you see there and questions asked its like wow. That’s where I started and quickly outgrew it as they only wanted to push their own sales and didn’t want anyone trading or exchanging info

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I feel like such a minority right now. lol


No way @MoBilly , I am really good at some things, but I can already tell you are a better mechanic than me, and a couple other things as well. You are smarter than me in some ways, and that is what I look for in friends.
You also value life skills, which is something I gleaned right off.
Of course, anyone who is willing to voluntarily, keep a critter as sneaky, and conniving as a goat, a critter that would think nothing of escaping their pen, and walking all over the top of your car, and then busting out your glass door because they seen their reflection in it, and then walking on in the house to munch on your indoor plants, well, there are those times I have doubts about you.

BTW, my loaner goats should be here in a couple weeks, I almost have the fence buttoned up.


Many years back, I had just hauled in a fiberglass roof for my porch and it was leaning against the barn. We had a goat, that we were going to butcher in a bit. He got loose and decided that the thing look like something he just HAD to jump on. I heard the noise from inside and walked out. He was making a run at it an jumping as high as he could, crashing through the thing and making a circle to do it again.
I never enjoy harvesting an animal. But I came close that time. lol