Flowering tent temp issues

Have a 5x5 flower tent going and a 10x5. The 5x5 is usually around 71-74* and 62-64 RH during lights on climbing to 69 RH lights off. I think I’m ok here.

My 10x5 runs 81-82* and about 55 RH during lights on…. Is that temp going to give me issues? I can’t seem to take it down much. I toss the home AC on during lights on but it’s still high


What kind of lighting are you running?

Personally I’ve never really had problems at those temps and similar RH.
Possibly had better results when temps were lower, but couldn’t say for sure.

A number of people will tell you that’s actually close to optimal temps for LEDs.


Running two 1000w spider farms. I was at 80% on each light just moved to 65% temps down to 79. Not sure what that will do to bid quality or yield though


Can you lower your light? Will get the same amount of light and keep the lower temps

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Nope ones almost touching, they’re at tent ceiling (even moved scrubber to floor) and one plants 5” from light . Can’t lower them AtlesSt on one side. Maybe the other side a bit

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What kind of ventilation do you have going on in the 5x10?

10” AC Infinity T8 exhausting, 6 tents fans, and the far side of tent open sucking in dehumidified fresh air. Currently now I got it to 79* dimming those lights a bit from 80% to 65ish

The T8 or the T10? The T8 is only 8".

T10 10” one

What’s the inline set to? Its not all the way down is it?

No in-line just pulling fresh air in w the negative pressure

80-82f is fine. Since you’re using LED’s that don’t put out infrared like HID lights your leaf surface temp is likely going to be lower than the air temp by a few degrees if you have decent airflow.


Those temps are perfect for LED in fact they are what I aim for 80-83 its the sweet spot for me and my style with LEDs.


Super glad to hear this!

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As @neogitus said just ensure you have optimal airflow and you’ll be golden trust me

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this is more troubling - I’d try to get that down as much as possible :sweat_smile:

outdoors i’ve seen plants without shade be fine at 105F 30ish RH – HOT!

My spider farmer 4000 has a good amount of IR… are we sure about this? It’s actually what I think gave me trouble at first. :confused:



Yeah the amount of IR LEDs put out is much less than HPS lights. LEDs also tend to move their heat upwards into a heat sink and then up above the canopy where HPS would direct it down towards the canopy and carry more radiant heat That’s why they have to be mounted so much farther away from the plants vs like 1 ft.

I would def not want a run a HPS room with an air temp of 82 because the leaf surface temp would likely be higher than the air temp. With LED it’s fine (or even ideal) at that temp range because at 82-83f air temp the leaf surface temp might be 79-80. It doesn’t heat up the leaf surface as much as HPS.

IMO leaf surface temp is a better metric than air temp for figuring out vpd for the grow room / dialing in the environment. Most people use an IR thermometer but if you have more money a FLIR camera would prob be even better.

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i hate to brag but i have ° °

? Confused what that means

° = degree