Had a huge list to choose from.
Can you put up a link ?
Looks like - https://freeheirloomseeds.org/
I just checked it out, they have a ton of really cool varieties of everything. Asking for donations to cover costs but looks very cool. Thanks for sharing
“Our current suggested donation is $10 for every 15 packs of seeds shipped within the US.”
That’s crazy! Seed packs at nurseries here can run >$5/each!
@Sintax how long did it take to get the order? I’ll keep this bookmarked for next year.
Thank you for sharing this @Sintax!
Whoa! Cool beans that aren’t all beans @Sintax ! Thanks!
They showed up maybe 2 weeks after. Just follow the directions on how to email them and it works.
The list the have is pretty freaking crazy I didn’t even recognize 80% of it.
This is amazingly cool.
Some towns are also starting to put seed libraries in the public library too!!
If you check your library’s calendar there’s usually a farmers day or something where they hand out seeds and give tips and gardening stuff. Usually a nice doggy bag anyways.
Check that out, sick! Thanks for sharing the haul @Kasper0909 !!
I’m sure I’ll be putting more orders too.
Wow you got a ton, I was happy with the freebies, now I’m jealous lol.
Ya freaking awesome deal!!
Figured I would bump this thread, I just sent in a seed donation/request and I’m sure some more people would want to see it again as well
Ill be ordering some next spring im sure.