Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 10)

100% things are changing, quickly. I believe in my lifetime we’ll see drastic DRASTIC CHANGES in temp, humidity etc. I’m worried for my children future tbh. I always say if I were to be 18 again I don’t know if I’d have children, cuz unless we see a drastic change (if it’s even possible) are we leaving them with anything but a ticking time bomb and a constant state of war.


I try to stay positive about everything. I had to stop watching news and politics. All it focused on is doom and gloom.
I love hanging here! People help each other, offer encouragement. This is the type of reality I want to have. So much is out of my control with most stuff. I’m just working on the stuff I can change.


‘Bad news’ or doom-n-gloom always sells better than the happy stuff


Sad but true. I do believe if people stopped watching the train wrecks and focus on the positive things would change.


I did the same , stopped watching news or anything like it, got off of Facebook, and most social media. Try and avoid the negativity because it just ruins days, weeks. Hell, 3 years ago I didn’t have anxiety, now it’s a damn nightmare


It’s really things are really weird lately. I confess that sometimes it seems like things will never get better, but we have to have positive thinking. And as friends said, trying to stay away from bad news and everything that brings negativity is very important. I’m a little anxious, and in these times I’m very bad about it, a great uncertainty about the future. But I also believe that the power of change is in people, I really like to see how people help each other here and the pleasant atmosphere among users, I think that’s the kind of attitude we need so that things can start to change, see the the other as another human being and not as an adversary or enemy, all fighting for the collective good that is to live in a fairer society for all.


I’ve stopped watching and reading news a long time ago too brother …
Too much negativity about lot of things that we can’t even control…


For a 1 in 7 chance of winning the next 5 pack of white rhino. First person to correctly guess What day of the week my bday lands on this year wins it

Remember :us: only today

Hint: my bday lands on a major “holiday” this year


Thursday for the win!

This place is a source of inspiration almost daily. Hence why I hang out here. Was a frequent at a few others but they just aren’t the same. OG is amazing and has such a great community it’s just awesome

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Friday? Perhaps

Definitely in for some WHITE RHINO! Awesome of you @AzSeaindooin420 oops I’m Canadian my bad!


Gonna go with Monday.

Tuesday is my guess lol

Sunday if you are a Xmas baby.

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Wednesday more… @AzSeaindooin420

Boom we got a winner! Sunday June 19th, I’ll be 33 sharing the day with the father’s out there!

Congrats! Send that safe addy!

Keep watching folks, the rainstorm of beans still brewin


Jeez. Its always the last one. Ain’t it?


Haha I was laughing watchin the last couple dancing around it with Monday and Saturday haha


Tell you what. In the same vein there.

I have a nice FatPack of Blak N Blu Cookies waiting for someone to try out.

First one to guess what day MY birthday falls on this year, wins the pack.