Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 13)

Good job on the win @djsf

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Nice man! Glad @Natea won, he was having a rough week.


Hey thanks man, Iā€™m definitely in good spirits now!


Congratsā€¦ wish I could say the same :angry:


Someone get this man some seeds! Haha

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No it isnā€™t about seeds

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Ah I got you, just joking. I hope stuff turns to the best it can be the soonest it possibly can for you.


Itā€™s growing that is the issueā€¦ Iā€™ve been failing for too longā€¦ and itā€™s got me disgusted ā€¦ Iā€™m incredibly close to taking my light and bouncing the damn thing down the highway


Thanks for slinging some beans around @ChronicMcBudz !


I appreciate that

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Make a grow journal and show us what youā€™re doing, plenty of eyes and brains here to help you out! Feel free to tag me or anyone else.


Oh yeah I got you. I get the want to make something you love and it not working out. Personally I did much better switching from dwc to coir, I had to regulate them much less. Just little things helped along the way. Food thing is youā€™re in the right place for advice!

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Itā€™s been 14 monthsā€¦ lol

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Eeesh. Well like @Rogue said above, start a grow log! I would follow along too, Iā€™m very beginner myself so it wl help me too.

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For some reason uptake is NOT happening under a gavita 1700eā€¦ under t5 does greatā€¦ but slow as shitā€¦ as soon as under gavita probs happenā€¦ Iā€™ve had many give advice along the way to no resolveā€¦ ive tried an array of different Temps and feedingā€¦ and an array of calmag fluctuationsā€¦ from 200 ppm total all the way to 350 ppm totalā€¦ still issues

Of all the growers who are successful today, I can tell you that the majority of them struggled in the first couple of years too!
Itā€™s the not giving up that makes the difference.


Ouch!! Itā€™s truly affecting me now though

Iā€™ve also tried almost every ppfd setting except full power

Thus is how they look when going in

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What are the plants doing could it be the light if they grow good under a t5?