Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 13)

You can always go organic, it’s as simple as filling a pot with organic potting soil, throwing a pack of seeds in it and letting it happen. I don’t know anything about synthetics, but feel free to DM me on getting started the old skool way that has worked for millions of years. :smile:

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I went soil in the very very beginning…

Make a grow journal, let’s not clog this thread up, it’ll be much more effective when we can follow.

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This is what they turn into after 2 to 3 weeks

I will … once these die and more germinate I suppose

I grow in pro mix or sunshine 4 post a pic of them under the gavida please.

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I’m in promix hp… pic to show difference green plant us not under gavita technically

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I’d say light bleaching or heat ?

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What’s your run off have you tested it ?

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Really need to get into a grow thread where we can get more into it…sick plants would a great place


I’ll dm you

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I know… for sure man

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step 1… get rid of the promix hp and get some sunshine mix #4
Step 2 …remember these words … PH is everything…seriously
Step 3 … make all inputs , waterings or feedings at PH 6.8

not sure what nutrients you use
I use the general hydro flora series micro and bloom and I use the lucas formula 8ml micro/16ml bloom per gallon.

next question… how is your water source? well water, RO water, city water?
Hate to see a grower about to kick his light down the road and perhaps these dicussions are for a different subforum but hang in there. I’m sure there are many here who will help you along


Yeah I’ll start a log within a month from now and see what we all can do … I’m just lost… I do pay very close attention to ph and temps and humidity…


Tripping walrus and everyday haze! Just missed it!
Congratulations @Natea @DJSF


Thanks @Emeraldgreen! I am pumped

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@THCeed Hey Buddy, just got your package. To be honest totally forgot about it. Thanks! Just had a few questions about these beans. Can you PM me? :+1::+1:

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How do I sign up? :partying_face::partying_face:


Go to the post, click the edit pencil and add your name :slight_smile:


@VAkish beans landed ,That SSDD Casey jones cross sounds fire thank you much