Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 13)

I’m here!!!

Lurking just slow

Waaahhhooo! Thanks! What choices are left?

We have the following bagseed options


Thanks for joining!


Always a pleasure, to watch that is! I’m to slow for this :rofl:

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2019 Cherry Punch it is then! Thanks again @ciganomarola , just burned a Purple Punch and absolutely loved it…this’ll be a fun one!

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There goes my choice

Alright for the second pick, who can tell me the name of the breeder who is most known for his work with the development famous GDP (Grand Daddy Purple)?

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Ken Estes

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Mel Frank ccccc

Dj short? Maybe

You are real quick dude, damn.

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Alright @Illicitmango doubling down!
What’s you choice?

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Awesome! Kings kush… love the grapey stuff
Everything I grow in this upcoming run I’m starting up will prob be hit with pollen. I’m fascinated with these games and I want to be able to give back to other OGs

You got it, OG!

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Who can tell me the lineage & breeder of the White Widow (aka Black Widow)?

Not answering :slight_smile:


Nice Tlander!

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Just waiting for the complete answer…