Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 15)

The same ocurred to me.
You showed later when I was posting.

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Whatever, take it, idc

Dont worry… I already take other number


@BigMike55 there is only 25 slots. and @Faithisyours was overwritten from slot 6

@misterbee when you make the wiki on the next round be sure to add…

“Do not add numbers” at the bottom.


Only supposed to be 25 slots guys

@BigMike55 can you go to #1

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When i write in the 6 now, it was empty
But now looking the history back it shows @faithisyours… So 6 to him.

But I am sure that when I edited it, it was empty.

Sorry I held y’all up lol let’s get it on we’re full


Use him for #1!! Go ahead and do the Draw. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@Jinglepot gets it with all the confusion haha… very nice win dude!

@misterbee close your wiki hit the wrench again and shut that one down I’ve come to find people will still think old wiki’s are open if they’re not closed :laughing:


Congrats @Jinglepot sweet win

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Congratulations @Jinglepot!

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Something happened. I will remove mine. I HAD number 25.

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Never mind already over.

You were made #1. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Lol, yaaaaay! My lucky number, my bday number, they same day I got snipped :scissors: too :rofl:


yeah there was quite a bit of confusion on that last one but its all good this is a good spot to make mistakes as compared to signup’s for co-ops and what not.

Everyone remember Wiki etiquette if you see someone editing in the prompt make sure to cancel your edit and wait your turn so we don’t have confusion and also read directions the last wiki was a 25 slot and numbers were being added

just a friendly reminder.


:rofl: How’d you do that!??

If you’re calling me out, you are wrong. When I left it I was #25.

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I know…right?