Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 18)

Putting this up because why not? I will be giving the cuttings away or throwing them away. Momma needs a trim. I have enough to share with at least one person, and if more folks are interested I can always keep in touch.

This is my cut of Som’s AllStar Mexican. If you don’t know the story you can find out more here: '93 Mexican All Star breeding projects

This is a cross of an ‘89 Mexican brick weed bagseed crossed to a ‘93 Mexican brick weed bagseed. F2 cross made in mid 90’s. Seed frozen in and since 1998. I got pretty good germination rates, but only one female turned out sexually stable and it has been a bit of learning curve to keep it happy. I have had this mother for a few years now.

It is a blast from the past, an old red haired Mexican that finishes surprisingly fast. Like 70 days. Excellent breeding material. Not going to be everyone’s cup of tea, but for certain folks it will be a nice trip down memory lane.

Free. Nothing wanted in return. Just pay shipping your way and it is yours. Legal states only please, otherwise for my long time friends only. If you are interested please check out Som’s thread for more information.