Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 7)

Fun to see so many posts this morning in here. Congrats to all the winners!

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Yeah yeah gimme gimme gimme


You donā€™t make it easy to sit these out Dougā€¦ Good luck everyone


Lol agreed.

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Silica lots of silica

Trichome are full of silica

Ok, so you will all have to look this one up, lol. For a pack of those Critical Mass x Blueberry be the first to correctly answer this. What is the CBD to THC ratio and profile of Water Stone F3? This info can be found on Sebrings site if that helps you all out :slight_smile:


Oh yeah!!!

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@DougDawson always at work being OGenerous even when working around an ER?! Damn cuz lol how can anyone compete with that! :crazy_face: :laughing: :wink: :+1: :pray:


@corey ty for the heads up and all good my friend

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It is 10:1 I know this through the scientific method


is the rario

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I would say 1 :18 thc

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Have great everyone
Hitting the Beach

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Yeah! Rub it in why donā€™t you! LOL
Have a great day!

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fruity flavor with undertones of pine & fuel

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Ok we will go with @kami even though they make it 2 posts. I figured someone would just copy and paste this, lol
CBD to THC: 2:1, 8% CBD, 4% or less THC
Profile: fruity flavor with undertones of pine & fuel


CBD to THC: 2:1, 8% CBD

Damn thatā€™s a pretty nice base ratio. 4:1 and 2:1 are my preferred ration to use through mixing rosins. Hope to get some strains like that to grow so I donā€™t have to mix THC rosin and CBD hemp rosin to get there lol. :+1: Awesome stuff indeed.


Yeah, it does look nice. Not even a yah from @Kami , did the win cause a heart attack?

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