Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 3

Lol digging the ol Winged Wheel bucket you got there

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I lived in Leesburg for a few years, about 5 miles from the prisonā€¦ā€¦ā€¦


Well hell, now Iā€™m stuck in the house waiting on the damn tax lawyer/accountant to get on the ball. Today is the deadline for filing, we gave them all the books 4-5 months agoā€¦ they dropped the ball! We have 2 business, and they only sent the paperwork for 1 to be signed lol So Iā€™m waiting for the rest and theyā€™ve had to file an extension fast this morning.

They filed the extension real fast this morning after I called them lol That way thereā€™s no penalty (which theyā€™d be the liable party)

editā€¦ Just another of the ā€˜funā€™ things involved with owning a grow biz lol

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A very real possibility, I hope that machine breaks down as a punishment :laughing: you think with all the seeds we send it wouldā€™ve loosened up the machines real good lol, mustā€™ve been a new one


Same. Just waiting to see how someone else here makes out before pulling the trigger.

Iā€™ve been looking at those Grove Bags for awhile now lol Iā€™m same as you @DougDawson ā€¦waiting on reviews! :sunglasses:

editā€¦ from folks on here, not the ones on their site!


Yeah, I bought a few, I have been dealing with my sick cat but will chop my Cheese auto tonight or tomorrow to dry. I will put some of it into a grove bag and post the results. I want the get the plant down before my surgery Thursday.


YOU and not the cat, are having an operation in a couple days?


Check your DMs @Oldtimerunderground lol

Yeah, Docā€™s going to chop a 7" tumor out of my back now that I can get an OR again. Dam Covid. Non cancerous thankfully. Should only take an hour or so but I took Thursday and Friday off anyway. Figured it wouldnā€™t hurt to take a day. Shame they wonā€™t let me bring my headphones in to the OR so I donā€™t have to listen to them, lol.


Damn dude, good luck in a fast recovery!! Also, glad itā€™s not malignant at leastā€¦

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Thanks man, I am sure it will be fine. I am not letting them put me to sleep so I should be in and out in a couple hours and than just drive home and relax.


my great aunt had a non cancerous tumor in her head after the tumor she acted more nice but after awhile she started acting like a kid. most of my family hates her.

Wow, thatā€™s it effecting centers in her brain. I hope she worked with a school so they could learn something

Good recovery my friend.

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Thatā€™s unfortunate. Thankfully mine is not in my head, thatā€™s some scary stuff.

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Bounce back quickly my friend Doug!

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Thanks all, it will all be fine. I will just get a local, well according to her 20 locals, lol. Slit, rip and sew. I will be back at work Monday, figured I would give it a couple days to heal a bit before I went back, 7" tumor means 9" gash along my lower shoulder blade. At least I work in the hospital so if I do tear it open I am in the right place :slight_smile: Out of likes but sending them out to you all in my head anyway.


hopefully itā€™ll be a walk in the park for you man. sending positive vibes to you.

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Thanks bud.