Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 3

Positive wishes to you @DougDawson

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Thanks brother

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to my knowledge i donā€™t think she worked with a school. i remember she thought she was gonna die so i think they were more focused on getting the proper care and treatment. who knows though maybe they did some good research. i live in AZ, she lives in Utah. last time she was here she got stuck in a bathtub and she made everyone in our house contract covid from her. side note i lost my smell and taste due to covid and still havenā€™t regained those two senses. safe to say i never want to see her again.


Damn! Thatā€™s some rough shit!

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No worries Doug. I had a 4ā€ tumor cut out of my hand. Left about a 6ā€ wound. 3 months later I can barely see it. It was sour for about a week but nothing bad. Never took a pain pill.


eh, its life. its not the end of the world but at times it is certainly challenging but we get around.

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Damn it! I keep getting pop ups telling me Iā€™ve ran outta ā€˜likesā€™ try again in blah blah blah minutes etc! lol


same here man i wish i had infinite likes so everybody could get some likes

yall been busy on here wow almost 300 posts since like last night Iā€™d say you all have a problem but that goes without saying you know who you are lol keep up the good work you crazy bastards have a great day raining like crazy here in CNY but I got my rice hulls yay soil mixing time

Ever heard of the Beer Test for Covid 19?
Take a nice long taste of a quality beer. Taste good? Great! Now take a nice long gulp again. Then belch. How does it smell? Terrible, right? You just passed the Covid-19 Beer Test. You could taste it. You could smell it. No Covid. Finish your beer and smoke one for me!


Best to you brother!!!

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Thanks man, I am not overly concerned. Itā€™s one of the reasons I would not let her put me to sleep like she wanted. I am guessing just a sore spot for a while and than it will go away, donā€™t care about the scar, itā€™s on my back so I wonā€™t see it :slight_smile: My big issue is really going to be not tearing it open lifting something too heavy but it will heal quick.

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prayers going out to yoū with all the karma you spread you will be fine I have no doubt


you too man, hopefully that soil works wonders for you.

Thanks @Abbbian and @cannabliss . I have full confidence it will be fine. Even gave me an excuse to take a day off so thereā€™s that :slight_smile:


lol thanks for the laughs, but in all seriousness she tested positive for covid while she was sick down here. i can smell and taste maybe 40% at most and its been like this since early january of this year but i wont deny it has improved over time.

Sorry dude. I know covid aint no joke. Looks like i struck a nerve there. My apologies.

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You know @DougDawson if you wanted to take a break from giveaways you could have just said so man. No need to grow a tumor and go through all this over it. :smile:

Good luck man, look forward to the post afterwards where you tell us all how you made that operation your bitch :beers:


no your all good man. i dont want to make anyone feel bad for a small problem in my life.

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i know this is only temporary, so with that ill stay strong.