Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 3

freakshow has some weird looking leaves although i dont know what generation the plant was in the pic i looked at

In the crosses ones that just don’t have any density to the bud. You’ll be able to smell the freakshow genes expressing, they just have insane strong smells, and the gg4xogk you’ll be able to see with dense frosty buds, so in the crosses only keep dense frosty, smelly buds. You should see alot of variety in the crosses.

F1 shows some weird notches in the leaves in freakshow crosses, but not the full pinnate mutation.

The berry freak in the big green container on the left is similar to what to expect in an F1, weird leaves, but not pinnate. So look for that trait too.

Berry freak male extra weird leaf

Wasn’t mechanical damage


damn! any more info/ insight on this alien fire?! looks amazing. the looks throws me back to some of the “unknown” flame i got back in my early days of smoking. the likes of which i have been chasing and looking for since!

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Dude! You have your own personal Freak Show going on in there!
Mikey Likey! A lot!


Alien Fire (Dank House Seeds) :: Cannabis Strain Info.

this is what i could find. dont know if its the same as what mikes friend had but worth a shot.

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Oh, the 5 gallon dwc right in front in the pic is a stealth fighter that’s not webbed, plus cover crop/companion plants

@BigMike55 In that pic there are 2 stealth fighter webbed, 1 not webbed, a crunch berry double serrated leaves, 2 cbg plants, 6 berry freak, 2 freakshow, 1 supafreak, 2 menthol skunk freak and a limepop freak. I like weird shit


well im off to the walmart. the ebt gods have blessed me.

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It’s not the 21st yet! I call shenanigoats!

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I really don’t. But I will be having a coffee with him on Fri morning. I will pic his brain a little. He is very secretive about his grows. Like where, when, how. He is pretty old school, much like me. We both know each other grows, but I have never been in his grow area. And he has never been in mine. I kinda like it that way. Not that I don’t trust him, I do. But old school rules is “Never tell anyone about your shit”. But I will see. I would like some specifics too cuz I am pretty fncked up right now.


I don’t think so. This is pretty sativa heavy. Starting to feel a bit Stony like indica but the sativa brain buzz is there.


And… It is entirely possible that he is full of shit. This guy stays baked from the time he gets up until it’s bedtime again. Cuz when I asked him what it was he stumbled a minute and then said Alien Fire. If you’ve ever seen the movie “True Romance”, Brad Pitt has a bit part as a stoner in LA. This guy is just exactly like him.


Got my very first card in the mail today! I was more excited than a little kid on Christmas. Big shout out and huge thanks to @Bullskinner! Can’t wait! My mouth is already watering


Thought there was a call to run Romulan for preservation and you had expressed interest. You were not going to run those?

Edit- that’s jumping the gun from the preservation list was me hoping nm


Hope those work out well for you. Glad to see they arrived


That’s a sweet first piece of OG love!

First pack or 50th it feels so great every time! The generosity of people here is amazing!


That’s some nice fat beanage right there.


Thanks to @Kcity87 for the lavender frosting f2s and henchman f1s

i really appreciate you guys accepting me into your wonderful and generous community


oooo la la, Lavender Frosting!! a good lavender strain is soo hard o find around my parts. i’ve smoked MANY dispensary lavender strains and Most were just “wanna be’s” and fell way short in my book and were nothing but lame harsh disappointments.

You were just “wandering”, just took you some time to finally make it “back Home”!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes: NOTE: On a side Note, that IMPERIAL DANK made it here from The Palmetto State. Mucho Mucho Gracias, Hermano!!!