Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 3

I have seen a new way of doing collidial at home and you can achieve more then a 2 week shelf life, it will be ultra fine particle size as well.

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You have no beans???
I will split mine with you.

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So many folks freaked out when they heard i had some old school strains Iā€™d kept going all these years. Clones/cuttings wouldnā€™t doā€¦Thatā€™s the motivation behind the STS attempt. The original beans came from Sensi seeds, or Dutch Passion or Nirvanaā€¦I canā€™t say which bank I got which seeds from after all these yearsā€¦ In the late '90s I only bought what I wanted to breed Frankenstein, and only from those seed banks, because in that time and day they had the most sterling reps of all seed banks in the world

editā€¦ and I think maybe also Amsterdam seed bank


Never mind. I thought you meant you had no beans. Like. ā€¦ ZERO beans.

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Oh noooo lol I got plenty of beans bro! Iā€™m just doing seed runs on my 4 oldest strains for more beans now is all lol

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I have a cross of nirvanas early mango strain, and the initial release of Dutch passion Strawberry cough.

The two went very well together.


Lovely plant!

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I brought 40 mothers with me to Oklahoma lol I used Oldtimer1ā€™s Bonsai tute from the late '90s to be able to have that many mothers in a gorilla grow indoors lol


At least 3 generations of large scale pheno hunting annually since 2001, with 5 seperate sister linage being worked on the same time and brought down into 1 stable, high variance IBL


I had a nice package arrive today. Thank you much. Im looking forward to this cross


So amazing you have kept those plants going @JohnnyPotseed, you truly are a caretaker of this plant we all love so much! :smiley::+1:


Enjoy broā€¦ā€¦
You will like it!


hello you guys been on OG while never really spoke much uk makes you paranoid not a friendly place, full of two faced arse trumpets not like OG this place is amazing you guys are legends
:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


@Limeflavouredheadbut Can you get some legit stanky ranky cheese strain seeds? Iā€™ve heard itā€™s supposed to be stanky, but Iā€™ve never had one that lived up to the hype.


Was in London spring 2019 and my GF and I were smoking in a park one morning and the tuts and dirty looks were something else. Good thing my cousin is dating a Jamaican bloke who hooked us up because scoring without knowing anyone seemed scary. Living in Canada it is really changing here.


LOL Iā€™ve had/used this nic-name for over 40yrs nowā€¦and thereā€™s a damn good reason! Iā€™ve planted and given seeds, plants, and bud to anyone wanting them all my life.
Every highway,byway, train track, creekbed, riverside, small squares in every small town I hit, even on the Washington and Lincoln memorial grounds! lol sometimes Iā€™d stick around and harvest, sometimes Iā€™d leave em for the next person to find and enjoy.
When I found OverGrow in the late '90s I though it was unreal there was a site with the same mindtrack as me. Thatā€™s why I came here then and now.

editā€¦ Actually, thinking back itā€™s almost 50 years now Iā€™ve had this nic lol. It was in '72-'74 while I was out in the Humboldt Valley area of Cali. so there ya go lol


The stinky, dank UK cheese seems to be on a lot of wish lists


Your amazing skipper! Itā€™s because of fellers like you that us younger generation can still enjoy the masterpieces that were the strains of the golden age of cannabis


That and rks

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@anon93244739 alas mate i dont have any contacts here anymore used to go to the exodus partys in the 90s (goodtimes) underground original UGORG#1 IS THE REAL Deal