Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 3

No use trying to do more than skim the 300 posts since yesterday. Mailed all today.


When I get the PPP from Doug I have a clone of UK Cheese to dust and if I donā€™t fudge up (this is my first attempt at growing seeds) I was gonna get them out to OG with an awkward as fuck name as everyone wants cheese


@JohnnyPotseed soon as I gets the old germ thing figured out I have a strain that I would appreciate that you would hold onto and care for.


Drunken goat. Itā€™s a beautifully purple rinded cheese.



So, are we trying to turn this over by lunch?! Lol

I was thinking more of something that would combine Cheese + UKā€™s need to piss after the pub due to the triple ā€œPā€ in PPPā€¦ but it hasnā€™t come to me yet: ā€œTaking the PPPā€ was one that came to mind.

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At this rate, shouldnā€™t be hard

The hardest part is just trying to catch up between work lmao

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I think your post got lost. Did you only get one reply??
:green_heart: :seedling:


@misterbee I can help you out there bud! I got some fem photos, fem autos, reg autos, and cluster fucks(female auto X reg photo pollen)


Sounds amazing! Iā€™m gonna hit the PPP to 2 phenos of 9lb hammer!


Is one of them the gooberry pheno? Oh man sounds like some crosses Iā€™d love to get in on if you have some spares down the line.

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One is shorty plant with heavy grape flavours and smell the other is lanky grower with pink bubble gum and shoe glue smells. Donā€™t know what gooberry pheno is.

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Iā€™m gonna be giving away a good portion of whatever I make right here to my fellow OGers! :heart_eyes::+1:


Anyone has Kali Mist Pollen?

I bought Kali Mist myselve and discovered they are all Female. It would save me one Seedrun.

I would offer some Vietblack or others.

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The AK is from 97 From the beans that got popped back then they were fire. They were big hand grenadesā€™ that had lots of red hairs lots of them. When you smoked a joint it would leave a golden/reddish resin on your lips. She was awesome. I only have 3 seeds left of it. Not sure if they will even pop. We tried to do a original OG Kush we got in 95 and we couldnā€™t get them to pop. we Seed hulled them. Put them in a tube with sand paper and shook them that still didnā€™t work. Iā€™m actually open to sending you one or 2 but I also have to check with my wife as she helped me collect them back in the 90s. It was her favorite cultivar. I can go through what I have and make a list. If she wont the the AK go Iā€™m sure she would let some thing else go. But if thereā€™s a chance to make more seeds Iā€™m all about it.


@DougDawson not sure if you saw but Corey confirmed that the Sour Strawberry are in fact BOG gear. Still need an addy when you get a chance.


You interested in running some RSK? Iā€™ve got a pack, reserved for a dedicated Seed Run (the person who gifted it wanted it ran!!!). Youā€™re welcomed to it. SS/BWā€¦mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Cheese x PPP , lol. Got the cross weather I like it or not. I found 5 seeds on some lower buds when trimming 1 branch yesterday. The rest of the plant is just hanging now. So a Wedding Cheesecake Auto cross and a Cheese auto cross. LOL.