Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 3

If you’re still looking for some auto beans, I’d be happy to return the favor for beans you’ve sent me. :facepunch:t3::green_heart:


Man that is so great what you do im 60 years old and the strains you breed amaze me, man i would love to taste that frankenstien and the frankenstiens bride, you are what keeps these strains going today my brother, so proud to have you as a friend brother, keep doing what you do


@DougDawson that’s so cool. I’d love to see what would come of those! That thread of yours has me hooked on trying autos!


Hey @misterbee , you need some fem autos?


A few, something to fill the next 3 months before it’s time to get Fall/Winter shenanigans going. 'Preciate the OG Outreach, Bro, surely do. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


I knew you were all holding out on me hiding them autos I knew it lol for shame shaaammmeee lol jk just reg autos currently but you arē wlcome to them god knows you deserve it


@misterbee Quite possibly for my December/January round.

I wouldn’t be able to run them for a bit, but if someone does end up running them let me know

Somebody had some auto left?

How about some Auto Maria 2 X royal creamatic Fems, PM me some info and I will send you however many you wish. Got lots from @Chronickyle to give out and I can’t think of a better OGer to get some


That’s fine with me, I’ll hold them (or if you want, send them), you can certainly schedule them for your “Winter Run”, Scout’s Honor!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Thanks @misterbee !!!

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Thanks @DougDawson
ILL appreciate

wanted to thank @Oldtimerunderground for the package i got today, it is very appreciated my friend, again thank you and all the OG"ers on here for everything, keep growing


He was responding to @misterbee. A great guy that has given to all. He needed a little hand-up. We would all love autos :rofl:


Hey bud, did you ever get the card I sent? I believe there were 3 strains in there for you. It’s been a while.

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Hello my friend no still waiting on it, hope it comes soon, soon as it does ill let you know and thanks doug


for sure @misterbee is a great guy wish I could have helped and yes indeed wē wouldlol always need more autos at least it’s easier than it waß a few years back breeders keep pushing morē people growing them I lovē it they have come a long long way over the last little bit I actually was introduced to them on here by reiko x and mr ßparkle like3 years ago dark devil ultra violet fell in love with them


I have some auto plans in the works, but they are a long ways out. Right now it’s just a slow rotation of 3 or 4 in the room at a time

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yup me too reg and fem runs slow going though my goal is to get more meph gear to run keep missing out on meph mondays need to get serious lol


@cannabliss …How’d you do in that fishing contest? Or did you just go to watch?

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