Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 3

so that’d be your personal stash? and yeah appropriately named… this an indoor or you doing it mainly outside?

you can grow it anywhere, outdoors it gets to be a tree. . indoors I keep it under 8’ and it’s been my personal stash/favorite for all these years. Well, there IS a close second and that’s Frankenstein’s Bride… I crossed King Tut with it about 10 yrs ago… I figured with tests of over 30% as high as 33%, the Tut was a worthy addition, but it couldn’t be added to Frankenstein. It had to have it’s own name…cause Frankenstein doesn’t need any additions.

edit… I have bred many strains to Frankenstein over the years, some are keepers others are stinkers…


BUT, my friend… it was damn well worth it!!
We smoke it daily, and have for the 20 years it’s been with us.


Wouldn’t happen to be what this is referring to? @JohnnyPotseed


yeah lol but that 9%?? really? someone didn’t know what the hell they were doing! I told yas, I took the seeds and clones to all corners of the US and over there I gave out a LOT of her.


I was pure gorilla grower and illegal as hell… I told em on the west coast not to say where it came from but grow and share as much as they wanted!


I’m in a position see I missed all the golden years and genetics. I would work on a cannabis farm for free just to get to learn from some of the guys like you. I only have the one local buddy and he is in rough shape to continue carrying the torch


Ok good people of OG, I got company came…I’m off, cyas all tomorrow


I am chasing the rabbits at the moment :wink: I don’t need seeds for anything soon. Too much to juggle now I like the idea of it though.

Have a great evening Johnny.

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hey thanks for asking it wa a kids derby my 10 year old daughter my youngest had a blast she caught a big sunfish and freaked out she was so happy good time


Fantastic, glad they made it. Hope they grow well for you.

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What is best freaks or frankstein?

Dam man, Frankenstein has more genetics in it than a lot of dispose! That’s beyond awesome! Ugh what I wouldn’t give to get my hands on some of that!!


I love watching kids fish……
Their excitement is contagious and endearing to those around them.


ok, back lol
@cannabliss I didn’t know if it was you in or watching the contest. Glad your young one caught herself a fish! Did she turn it loose after? :sunglasses: :+1:

@BERZERK …I’m not even gonna ‘like’ that question. :rofl: :rofl:
No offense to Petal Power, her Freakshow is nice, but it can’t hold a candle to Frankenstein, sorry. Two different worlds entirely.


Well, I have zero idea how many seeds will be made in this STS attempt for preservation. But all I can say is to keep an eye peeled for it, I’ll announce when I have seeds to give away. There’s a lot of interest in that so I’ll have to figure something out in the way of how to give them out.


I have to wonder if some of those @DannyTerpintine strains are going to be hitting the thread tonight. I think that this my have to happen a little later. Keep your eyes peeled OG’ers.

People seem to love the Swakhammer.



Thats the truth i want to hear.
Exelent awnser @JohnnyPotseed .
I tryin some sugar breath of humboldt and was awesome.
I got receive some freakshow.
I searchin for some hot american stuff.
I need to do concentrate to my uncle , his paraplegic and have muscle spasm , just the thc concentrates controlate his problem. And i love to smoke thc concentrate , if you had some high thc strain left i ll love it.
But like the awnser