Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 3

If it does hopefully it’s while I am chillin!

The AA and AM2xRC arrived safely. Thank You :pray: .

The freaks are unique. 12 years of growing and never smelled scents on weed like that before. But it needs work, it stretches too much and I personally think it could use more density to it’s buds. It needs a good strong indica crossed into and then worked to regain the pinnate leaves.

That’s why I’m trying a bunch of the breeder of freakshows (shapeshifter) son’s (canna research company) work. He seemingly released a bunch of partially worked freak lines this year. All are more indica from leaf shape, but none are pinnate. The leaves look more like flames.

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Ok all, don’t worry, not ignoring you. Just tied up, will drop the hammer in a while.


This looks good too.


Too bad lol I’m not gonna be here in awhile. But good luck to all who attempt to get some of them SwackHammers! I know the OGSantaDD is gonna do y’all right!

Goodnight good folks of OG!


Now that’s something I can go for! Drop dead georgous!

Thats the 1 that stood out to me when I was looking at the link you posted. A few thousand post ago or 2 days ago. Says couchy to me, just the way I like it.

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I may not either. Wanting to put a huge dent in this mofo right here.


Big thanks to ya @DougDawson!! Got some auto goodies from you today. Man I love checking the mail now! Lol


@DougDawson I seen you mention the royal crematic. Is that your work?

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It is a @Chronickyle strain.

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Oh ok gotcha, does that include ATM, and DTF ?

did you post or like on them?

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I think mine always default to Tracking if i have visited that thread. If i want to not have it show up i have to change at the bottom. I think. For me anyways.

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Royal creamatic is a strain from royal queen seeds, I hit it with some auto Maria 2 fem pollen I made from paradise seeds and that’s the auto Maria x royal creamatic


No worries don’t want to clog the feed

I have that here actually I was wondering where it came from

Anybody have a cheese or cheese auto kickin around their vault they aren’t going to run?
Haven’t run a cheese strain ever and would love to give it a go… just throwing it out there… anybody with cheese love?


I have to check the vault but I’m almost positive I had a few midnight cheese


Ok, I was blessed enough to get an early Father’s day gift, really helped get all the mail out today.

Hoping they reach everyone safely :grinning:

@cannabliss @G-paS
@Lapolda @Blue
@misterbee @Xianpreservation83
@redjimp @Pigeonman
@Gugumelo @Limeflavouredheadbut
@CADMAN @DougDawson

Thanks again everyone, hope you all enjoy them!!