Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 4

Yeah I’m pretty sure that bad boy rolled across a hefty few states. I’ve only lost power once since we moved about 3 years ago, but trying hydro now for my first time I didn’t wanna take any chances being unprepared and losing my first and decently successful hydro grow.

We’ve needed some rain in Michigan here though, I’m a “landscaper” (and by that I mean foreman for cut crew, fert crew, and cleanup crew, snow plower, small engine mechanic, large equipment mechanic minus engines, fabricator, large equipment driver/loader/hauler, etc. etc.) by trade and the lawns here look like they’re mid August 90°F torched even with a full round of 20-0-3 on em


Expecting this here today in South East Ontario.


Is that the same storm that just yesterday went up the eastern seaboard of the US?


Yep. We didn’t get a drop in Baltimore. Was supposed to. Some folks got it bad.

Yall can’t sleep either. Or are we on the opposite side of the world? I’ll have light in a couple hours.
Sun’s over the ocean now. Lol.

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I’m always up n down lol sleep a couple hours then up a few then back to rest a couple more lol pain won’t let me be any other way, no biggie

your body gets into the habit of a certain pattern after so many years of it, I’m into 20 yrs now of this…so I’m used to it

edit… Well, 18 yrs to be more precise lol but ya get the pic


Yeah I gotta get my sleep straight. Every 3 hours it seems I wanna wake up. Tired 6 hours into my day.
Don’t get me wrong I love to sleep. I just think all the sleep is beginning to make me restless. Lol.


As far as I know yes.


supposed to be hitting us today thunderstorms in CNY no way shocking


Well, hopefully it’s a lot less in strength by the time it gets to you! It did some serious damage/flooding further down the southern coast.

2 of our sons and their family are at Myrtle Beach, SC area


well I hope they made it through ok

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Yep, was on the phone with both yesterday, they said a lot of wind and some flooding, but they were more ‘protected’ than a lot of the area.

What we saw on the weather looked bad for some
only prob down that way is there’s several rivers and also the inland waterway, any hard rain creates flooding

Alright, I’ll see you good folks later I’m heading out to the barn and get a bit of work in…It’s already past 5:30AM!


have a great day someday I’m gonna have my own farm in a barn or farm orbarn lol damn I’d sttle for another room a shed maybe haha


back lol I had a bit of stuff needed done also open/turn on lights in budroom
Water/feed everything, do a little adjusting of plants/lights …done

only took bit over an hour but the real works begins later today lol


And I’m still jealous lol


Of what, cuz? Working my tail off at 72 yrs old? lol


just be bored if you didn’t have anything to tend. I know. lol

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Hell yeah lol I’d just roll over n let em stick me in the ground if I wasn’t busier than a flea on a hot brick!


Yep, here it comes…again! That damn windrain is starting to pick up nicely here now with some rolling thunder tossed in for ‘effects’ lol
This is another storm front than the one that hit the gulf and rolled on over to the east coast, it’s coming on that time of year folks!

Good luck to all in the upcoming hurricane season


It SLAMMED here (Scarborough) last night! Light show, then another downpour at 8am. Plants look very happy. :smiley: