Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 4

I was up by 3:20, I’m here lol and yep, I’m an hour behind ya…


I’m the same way lol I sometimes do the dibbers shout out lol but I usually just like to watch the fun, and all the sharks circling! The giving of the folks on OG is so grand to see.

I’m wishing I could be there with yas but that’s not gonna happen, lol I sure doooo love a great Bar-B-Q!! :sunglasses: :+1:


Ah, Man…I’ve been “screwing up”, all this time I’ve been talking about “safe sex”, not knowing it meant beans/seeds!!! I told one member I had “burnt leaves”, he thought I meant STD. Who knew??? SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


You do know OG has lots of Female members/growers/Breeders, don’t you? Not a Morals Police, but a “Respect Requestor”!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Good Morning OG!! I wish everyone a pleasant day :call_me_hand: :call_me_hand:


Be careful out there OG, treading on thin ice here. All this OG spirit building up is looking like it might smash through the Law of Diminishing Returns.

It may have passed the donut test, but I don’t know if it can hold out against this onslaught of bean indulgence…it seems to just keep growing and…


…Overgrowing the world?


Guess it’s doing the job intended then! :rofl: :sunglasses:

edit…watching all the action here, I’d say the progress is growing…pardon the pun :rofl:


@misterbee ? Do I recall correctly you saying that you don’t smoke? If not, do you partake in any other fashion? Like edibles for instance?

edit… totally off topic (if’ that’s even possible here lol) but it’s been on my mind and I figured I’d just ask out of curiosity…


I can’t tell what’s innuendo and what is not around here

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Love me some edibles!

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The main USPS hub here has had a pack of mine since May 13th. I’ve written them off but it does concern me. That hub is the last stop before my local post office and something is telling me the package didn’t just slide under some machinery or something.

I know it’s supposed to be technically legal now with the hemp act and everything but I don’t think I’m going to call asking for my seeds :smile: Hard to play dumb later if I call up asking for it.


lol I’d say it’s a 50/50 blend of double entendre and pun …or even truth, disguised! :sunglasses: :grin:

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Just say it’s a package, you don’t know what they sent you


Definitely play dumb!


The Hemp Act is only for stuff that has almost zero THC, I thought?

My playing dumb strategy was (or I planned anyway) to completely disavow any knowledge of any part of it- I don’t know the name that sent this, I don’t know anyone at that address, I have no clue why they’d be sending me anything, and I have no idea what it is.

Seems a little more believable then “hey where’s my package I’m expecting from someone I know?” Are you referring to the marijuana seeds Mr Slick? “MARIJUANA SEEDS?! What’s mari— how do you pronounce that? Wanna? Never heard of it! That’s supposed to be a box of hymnals for Sunday service! Those sly boots tricked me!” Sir we’ve dispatched the police…

It works so well so often :laughing:

According to a few people on this site seeds contain zero or less then the legal amount in hemp (.3 or .03?) and therefor should be legal. I still don’t know if that’s an interpretation of that law that sounds right or one that would actually stand up in court though. It’s illegal to grow hemp where I’m at anyway so they very well could try to charge me with something.


Seeds and unflowered clones fall in their guidelines I do believe. Imma say I’m 75% sure on it.

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Forgot clones fit in there too. Do we have any more to go on other than that it should fall under that category? An example or two where the court found that to be the case, or better yet there was never a court date because it’s so perfectly legal would set my mind at ease lol. I can’t find anything.

Edibles every now and then, a friend’s wife makes Gummies and Hard Candies, but didn’t do much for me. CBD Cream is another story, use it E-V-E-R-Y day, knees, hips, feet. After this Fall’s Grow, probably will venture a puff or two. Smoked from 17 year old until 55 y.o, massive stroke, 9 days ICU, had to relearn walking, talking, balance/coordination. Stopped smoking “cold turkey” after finding out persons NOT changing their contributing habits are 65% likely to have another TERMINAL Stroke!!! That’s all it took for me. That was in 2005, non-puffer since, scared Cannabis might trigger my urge to resume Cigs. Ain’t gonna happen!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes: NOTE: Before that, “Puff puff, ain’t passin’, sorry!!!” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: