Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 4

Googled it

The 2018 Farm Bill defines hemp as Cannabis sativa L. and “any part of that plant, including the seeds thereof and all derivatives, extracts, cannabinoids, isomers, acids, salts, and salts of isomers,” with no more than a 0.3 percent concentration of THC.


Thnx for that, lol I was wondering about it and had to ask ya bro

edit… I also use it to make tinctures and salves also edibles and concentrates


That’s the one and a good lawyer may be able to use that, but I still think you could have to go to court over it. If they find your active illegal grow in the process it doesn’t matter how legal the seed were!


How long did you feel the withdrawal cravings? I need to quit again… Maybe it’ll stick this time.

Get a dry herb vape. Don’t combust again, you’ve done SOOOO GOOD!!!


Morning OG!
Won’t be around till later!
Enjoy the day!


lol I can’t say that… I’m a heavy smoker of both the marijuana as well as cigs. 2 heart attacks and 1 stroke, but still keep on. I do, however smoke only organic tobacco that’s not got all the 7200 chems in commercial grade cigs. We have an electric rolling machine and roll our own. Not saying it’s good for ya, just less harmful! But, I figure at 72yrs old, and already on my way out anyhow lol I’m not gonna worry about knocking off a year or two…

edit… well past my ‘expiration date’ or ‘use by date’ lol

edit2… same with my Marijuana, totally organic


When I first got back into smoking after a decade off I was looking for something mellow. I ended up coming across Pennywise (Subcool strain) with 12% THC and 12% CBD and it was perfect for a lightweight like me. My GF hadn’t smoked in years and used to have her neck tighten up really painfully on her. I talked her into taking a hit of it once when her neck was acting up and within a few minutes her neck was perfectly fine, straight up miraculous.

Anyway to the point- I got some seeds and grew some Pennywise so she’d always have some (plus I actually really like it too). I infused some coconut oil with it and then mixed in lavender I infused in coconut oil and- you should love this- medical grade beeswax to make a topical salve. This stuff is amazing! It destroys muscle aches and such. I have issues with my knee and have had it where my knee is spasming and within a few minutes of applying it everything calms down completely. I love it when someone tells me topicals are a placebo!


I was one miserable person for 2 - 3 months. Nicotine leaves the body after 72 hours, it’s the phycological cravings that linger. After every meal, watching sports, riding the Lawn Tractor, I would reflexively reach for the non-existing pack. For a year, I had a toothpick in my mouth. Now, it’s an afterthought, but I sometimes still can smell a cig. I can be around smokers and not feel an urge. Good luck, Bro, one of the smartest things I EVER did. You can do it, you’ll start really tasting different foods. Food I thought didn’t have a taste to it, does!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


If they say that, I guess they haven’t gotten hold of anything good! Just trying to give em the benefit of doubt… I KNOW that stuff works, too!

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Yep lol I know you have it, cuz! Saw the pics you grow…lovely plants btw


It’s usually people who never even tried it that say that. Some will even start citing scientific sounding reasons for why “it doesn’t work like that because receptors in the skin blah blah”. Oh well you enjoy your smugness and I’ll go on being wrong then… and in less pain.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Hell to the Yeah!
If not for that stuff, I’d be a Quadriplegic, not moving just a damn vegetable

edit… Like @misterbee, I use it daily!

edit… But, I find the ‘commercial’ stuff to be nowhere near the strength I need. So, I make our own, the wife uses it also as well


Thanks cuz, feels good having some organic. Must be at least 2 grams of some purple kush inside it, and I don’t think my wife is going to smoke any so I might need your help :laughing:


I have my first tobacco plants growing, may I ask you how you dry/cure/ferment the leafs for blunts wraps? Sorry if its not the right place to ask… :call_me_hand:


Guess you’ll have to come down below the border here to share!

Since my traveling days are over lol

Damn I still can’t believe we hit Vol 4 so fast. No idea why it suddenly hit me now but damn!

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Hey organic tobacco guys what’s involved? Like grow times, light requirements, etc. You separate them from you plants (tobacco mosaic virus concerns)?

I shouldn’t be smoking but if I’m going to keep doing so getting the damn chemicals out of the equation sounds like a good move.


@ELG lol I doubt there IS such a thing on this thread that’s ‘off topic’ especially as there’s no particular topic actually…even though this is supposed to be about seeds n clones… lol, If you check all the rest of the ‘Free Seeds And Clones’ threads you’ll find we basically use this thread as a general chat lobby!


I just buy it online, easier. But have grown it as well…

edit… google Organic Tobacco you’ll find a lot of it is actually available

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